Monday, November 9, 2009

Don't Taze Me, Bro!

I am really on the fence about this whole “2012″ thing.

On one hand, I enjoy conspiracies, weird prophecies, and the like. On the other, I am critical of everything I hear, read, or see.

We have “historians” and “archaeologists” telling us that the Mayan’s predicted our demise, thousands of years in the future. We also have “anthropolgists” and “scientists” telling us that there is nothing to worry about.

I’ve read a lot about the Mayans, and I am aware that 2012 is not the end of their calendar. It is merely the first galactic cycle – the largest revolution they’d catalogued.

However, you hear these new stories – the scientific evidence – that we are about to venture into the underside of the Milky Way, and we have never been there before. “They” say our magnetic poles are going to shift. “They” say that we are entering a field of cosmic dust. Energy.

Who knows.

I used to enjoy the fear that ensued after reading such things. Now I find, I am bored by it. We won’t know until December 2012 anyway, so what’s the big deal? Why live in fear of something we can’t change? Anybody remember Y2K? Remember what happened with that whole ordeal?

Basically, I am just wondering where everybody stands on this issue.

End of the world? Or excuse to cause panic?

Let me know, I like talking about it.

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