Friday, November 20, 2009


* I know i might sound like a silly teenager for looking forward to the new moon movie, but I am! And no, I am not in any way attracted to any of the characters! actually a few co-workers refer to robert (edward) as shovel face. and I agree, not my cuppa. very flat faced. anyway, I am actually looking forward to the new movie in the saga. further to wanting to watch it, I would like to read the rest of the books. I believe books are more interesting than movie makes of them. and certainly, anything vampire related is bound to become a fave of mine. I dont really know what fascinates me so much with darkness, and blood, and this sadistic instinct with a hint of subliminal violence.. but it does. I mellowed out in the gothic image area, except for the dark eye, but on the inside, i very much am a practicing goth! everything Acheronic is way more interesting than clear, bright, common things/lifestyles. At least in my eyes..

* I always get excited this time of year, seriously December is my favorite month only for the festivity! I love the colours of christmas, the spirit, the tree! this year I am really looking forward to the million holidays in December, thinking of taking 2 days off at some point, dont plan to go anywhere, but just kick back and relax, preferably with a book and a good massage lol. I am developing a cooking craze though, I would love to bake more, one day! I actually suck at baking or making desserts.. unless its cheesecake or cold stuff.. so maybe I can get inspired with the festive season as baked goods are everywhere, and I actually love the idea of giving home baked sweets as gifts.

* They unblocked deviantart! lululululeesh!

* This must be my new fave clip, Shakira ’Did It Again’ i love the martial art-ish bits.

I like! Oh and the song isnt bad either..


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