Monday, November 23, 2009

My feet hurt!

I had an overall good weekend!  Friday I hung out with my best friend who I miss so much!  But I’m sad that I won’t get to see her until the winter break because she has to focus on her school work!  I wish her luck!

On Saturday I woke up at 7:45 AM because I had to go to my last training session for the store I applied to, which started at 9 AM!  I got to do a little more this time so that made me happy.  I’m still getting used to things but I’m excited to work!  The only bad thing about it is that my feet hurt at the end of the day :(  I ended training at 1 PM and got picked up my sister’s friend.  I’m saying “friend” for now because I’m not sure if he’s my sister’s friend or boyfriend?  Oh well, I don’t know.  At least he seems sweet!  So I payed him back for the ride home as a thank you by buying him food because I thought he might be too nice to accept money!

When I got home around 2 PM I had to do a load of laundry, washed the towels, and hung up new ones in the bathroom.  At around 7:30 PM I got picked up by my other friend and we went to our school theatre because she had to write an essay on the production that was being played and she invited me to come with her.  It was a very interesting play.  The only problem I had with it was this is was suggestive and provocative.  Other than that I enjoyed the dry wit and humor of the characters.  It’s what I would call a “typical atypical play”!

I ended up sleeping over and her house since it was late, and I had to go over her house the next day, anyway, to work on our class project.  We ended up watching Boys Over Flowers, a Korean drama version of Japan’s Hana Yori Dango.  The Korean version is okay, but I prefer the Japanese one.  Maybe it’s because I expected too much out of the Korean version because I usually prefer Korean dramas to Japanese ones.  Oh well.  It’s still entertaining to watch because each version has its own different element to the original story.  I could write much more than this but I think it’s best that I don’t so I’ll just stop here…for now.  We finally went to sleep at around 1:30 AM :)

Because I tend to sleep earlier nowadays, but in this case slept late, my friend and I woke up at 11:30 AM.  Haha.  It was already noon!  I had a weird dream but I don’t remember everything.  Yeah…Anyway we finished our project with 3 hours to watch more of Boys Over Flowers until my dad picked me up!  So I’m going to go sleep soon, but I felt that I should post this up!  Goodnight!

lots of love!



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