Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Make Myself Loving

I’ve heard it said that we do things that support our image of ourself.

Like if I consider myself “loving” then I will act in a way that supports this view.  Doing “loving” things.

The only problem I have with this view of self is that it makes it seem like there is really nothing “underneath” our own view of ourselves.  I do think we, as humans, are less fluid than that.  We get more engrained.  We’re born with a general disposition and though it can be tweaked, it’s impossible to change.

That’s not what this post is about though, because on the flip side, I also see that we create the person we want to be.


Me… as a person who likes to think of herself as “loving”…

How do I behave that supports that?

Part of me does not even want to know.


Monday, December 28, 2009

When she jumps the gun

An indispensible ingredient of a relationship is involving the other party.

I mean, i didn’t have to check the Collins Dictionary to find the definition. It is implicitly designed into the construct of the term ‘relationship’ itself. And even if the cause may seem benevolent, without mutual agreement in the first place, it’d amount to quite bluntly, some what of a communist rule. And here i thought the fascist regime ended with World War II.

Going one step further back in this chain of thought, a mutual agreement requires prior discussion. There has to be a topic first, before we can agree on a topic. A tip on the male psyche – we like bring involved. if you’re thinking of a wedding photo shoot, talk to him about it. If you’re thinking of doing the ROM, ask his opinion first. If you want to plan for a wedding, I’m sure he’d need a certain degree of involvement. Someone’s got to drink all that alcohol after all.

But really, back to the topic. i think everyone could do with more asking. Unlike the austere boss with a heart of stone most of us probably have, men in a relationship don’t want to be simply dished the final product, with regards to most things – trips, wedding plans. Sure, surprises are a cardinal element. But I’m not talking gifts, where to put the bar counter, or surprise romps either. We’re talking life defining moments, not who prefers to be on top for tonight. With a little attention to the delivery of the message, the words used, every and any person can be coaxed into anything.

Maybe I’m being a tad sensitive. Perhaps your form of involvement was to lay out your suggestions to me, and see what i say to it. Or is it just me, spiraling amidst the frailty of  a long distance relationship. Whatever the case, I’m finding it out myself – it’s not easy.

I do want it as much as you do, just in the right scheme of time, that’s all.


Random stuff


Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Humbuggery


Krampus is a mythical creature. In various regions of the world – especially Austria and Hungary – it is believed that Krampus accompanies St. Nicholas during the Christmas season, warning and punishing bad children, in contrast to St. Nicholas, who gives gifts to good children.

The word Krampus originates from the Old High German word forclaw (Krampen). In the Alpine regions, Krampus is represented by an incubus-like creature. Traditionally, young men dress up as the Krampus in the first two weeks of December, particularly on the evening of December 5, and roam the streets frightening children and women with rusty chains and bells.[1]

In some rural areas the tradition also includes birching – corporal punishment with a birch rod – by Krampus, especially of young girls. Images of Krampus usually show him with a basket on his back used to carry away bad children and dump them into the pits of Hell.


Yule or Yule-tide is a winter festival that was initially celebrated by the historical Germanic peoples as a pagan religious festival, though it was later absorbed into, and equated with, the Christian festival of Christmas.

The festival was originally celebrated from late December to early January on a date determined by the lunar Germanic calendar. The festival was placed on December 25 when the Christian calendar (Julian calendar) was adopted. Some historians claim it was influenced by Saturnalia, the Roman winter festival[3].

Terms with an etymological equivalent to “Yule” are still used in the Nordic Countries for the Christian Christmas, but also for other religious holidays of the season.

Customs such as the Yule log, Yule goat, Yule boar, Yule singing, and others stem from Yule. In modern times, Yule is observed as a cultural festival and also with religious rites by some Christians and by some Neopagans.

Christian churches recognized folk elements of the festival in various cultures within the past several hundred years, allowing much of the folklore and traditions of local pagan festivals to be appropriated. So today, the old festivals such as Jul, Коледа and Karácsony, are still celebrated in many parts of Europe, but the Christian Nativity is now often representational as the meaning behind the holiday. This is why Yule and Christmas are considered interchangeable in Anglo–Christendom.

Yule was an indigenous midwinter festival celebrated by the Germanic peoples, which was progressively absorbed into the Christian observations surrounding Christmas.[1]

Simek says that the Yule feast “had a pronounced religious character”, and Simek cites section 7 of Gulaþingslög, where Yule is described as celebrated “for a fertile and peaceful season” and consists of a fertility sacrifice. Simek says that focus was not on the gods of the Vanir, but instead the god Odin, and he notes that one of Odin’s many names is Jólnir (Old Norse “yule figure”[15]).


Saturnalia became one of the most popular Roman festivals. It was marked by tomfoolery and reversal of social roles, in which slaves and masters ostensibly switched places, with humorous results.

Saturnalia was introduced around 217 BC to raise citizen morale after a crushing military defeat.[1] Originally celebrated for a day, on December 17, its popularity saw it grow until it became a week long extravaganza, ending on the 23rd. Efforts to shorten the celebration were unsuccessful.Augustus tried to reduce it to three days, and Caligula to five. These attempts caused for uproars and revolts among the Roman citizens.

Saturnalia involved the conventional sacrifices, a couch (lectisternium) set out in front of the temple of Saturn and the untying of the ropes that bound the statue of Saturn during the rest of the year. A Saturnalicius princeps was elected master of ceremonies for the proceedings. Besides the public rites there were a series of holidays and customs celebrated privately.

The celebrations included a school holiday, the making and giving of small presents (saturnalia et sigillaricia) and a special market (sigillaria).

It was a time to eat, drink, and be merry.

Winter Solstice

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Christian Deity God Incarnate or Messiah, Jesus Christ. The birth is observed on December 25, which was the Roman winter solstice upon establishment of the Julian Calendar.[11]


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lazy Christmas

As of tomorrow I have 10 days off and NOTHING planned.

I do not have to be ANYWHERE.

There is nothing in particular that I HAVE TO DO.

Wonderful unaccounted for TIME….. approximately 240 hours of it!

If I sleep 8 hours a day (which I could not manage without sedatives) that is still 160 hours.

That is more than 4 weeks worth of working time….. that is a MONTH!

I could achieve QUITE  A LOT in a month…

This requires some THOUGHT…. more will follow shortly.


i love my mummy!!

update: chia is still sick, but heck, i’ll be healed in Jesus name!!!

thanks to the image team… they gave me a rilly rilly rilly BoOoOmZZz hairstyle tonight, that prepared me for 3 hours of shampooing actually. okay no, i really appreciate the image people. they are those people who make the stage ministers look so good on stage, but their hardwork no one sees!!! being in image for a while, i know its really not easy. everyone comments on how good on stage ppl look, but nobody remembers who made those people look good. so please, if you see image people around appreciate them! they are really awesome! (=

so back to point. because of the booms hairstyle (i’ll post up the photo..soon. hopefully!) mummy lovingly shampoo-ed my hair. hello i’m 19, the last time i actually sat in the bathtub and let my mum bathe me was like, more than 10 years ago!!! okay no she didnt bathe me, but she washed my hair. we were done in 20 minutes!! and my cornrows are still intact. yay (=

next time if u have lobang like that, involve your mummy. bet she secretly enjoys it. i mean not all the time you know, once in a while. we’re all still little girls in their eyes <3

im rilly tired now. see you guys at service tomm. super super super ultra excited about tomm, God’s gonna move so powerfully in suntec convention hall 602. cheong xmas cards for now! night!


Wine Party 2009

My Christmas Onesie

You know it was a good party when you arrive in an awesome onesie.
It was great to see old friends. Good job Chris, that makes two out of two for wine party awesomeness.

Sorry I have been lacking on the posts.

I have been SUPER busy actually.
Photoshoots, Last minute shopping, getting fat, etc.

Ill try to update more soon.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Windows 7 Still Same Ol' Windows

Well I have been sick and busy and all sorts of other things to keep my posting down, but now a new wrinkle has shriveled into existence. Typically, I never upgrade windows until it hits SP1 on whatever version is the latest. I got a copy of Win 7 free-o-charge from a friend of mine’s Microsoft agreement (I often do some beta testing and such for his IT business) so I bucked my personal rule and loaded it up. Wiped her clean as a baby’s rump and got a fresh new install of Windows 7 Pro. From the very first install it acted kind of funny and I even got the dreaded BSOD once or twice, but then it started working okay and all was well. Well, not too long ago, it all came to an end as apparently there is something Windows does not like about my computer hardware as it gave a BSOD and now will not boot. I’m going to attribute it to my archaic motherboard, but I’m not 100% sure on that.

Now I’m not going to do something stupid like run out and buy a Mac (I shudder to even ponder that), but I prolly need a new MoBo. And for all you non-Christians out there in case you haven’t noticed it’s Christmas time and I am a little strapped for cash (especially after having to do some unexpected maintenance on my car). So needless to say I have a quandry…reload Windows 7 on my computer (seriously when it runs it is a peach), load Vista, or wait until I can justify buying a new MoBo. Ack, what is a guy to do?!



Website which every MBA aspirants must refer.

I came across this student handbook distributed by a MBA coachingl class titled “the stellar academy ” .They have got this wonderful list website which every MBA aspirants must refer and read the posts being displayed on them.Here they are:



I love my piano. :)

And the room that it’s in. My dad says that the acoustics in there are absolutely amazing. I’m going to have to agree, since it sounds really nice.

View from upstairs.

santa and sleigh!

- Aaron


Friday, December 18, 2009

Before and After

I officially love hot yoga! but it was a bad idea to go before skate practice because it drained all my energy for the rest of the day. I don’t have skating today so it has been pretty low-key, went to the gym this morning, went grocery shopping at like 4 different stores ( I love bargains, and hate to pay full price for anything) but it’s all good since I’m a dork and kinda like to grocery shop :) Anywho I have hot yoga again tonight :) in about an hour and then I have a hot date with season two of Grey’s Anatomy!

Some things in life are better before but for the most part they are better after…







Before & After

Like I said some things are better before…

Well I’m off to hot yoga! what are you doing tonight?



moments that make life worthwhile…

that bring a smile…

moments that move you to tears

moments that make days seem like years

Life is so transient, what we feel today seldom lasts untill tomorrow.Especially emotions like anger and pain are significant only in the heat of the moment.. When you look back in retrospect it all seems so futile and meaningless.It’s  as if we live from moment to moment, then why not make sure these moments leave behind memories that are fragrant and pleasant :)


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random 25 Facts

Might as well repost from Facebook:

#1 I recently gained pajamas, robe, and slippers.
#2 I have never had ANY pets. I had a pond with fishes when I was like a small baby, and I’ve taken care of my cousin’s pets, but never actually owned them.
#3 Band is draining my life. AP Classes are killing my life. Yea…I’m pretty dead
#4 My dad cuts the internet at 10oclock. Whoopiee. My dad takes my phone away at 10 oclock. Whoopiee.
#6 I play piano, violin, flute…but I’m pretty sure most of you guys know that by now
#7 What you didn’t know is that learning all these instruments help with my sight reading :)
#8 I have met two new people around my age online…but I will never get to see them :( Well…maybe one of them…but thats a low chance of happening xD
#9 I have been to Canada, Japan, Taiwan, and around the USA
#10 I went to Los Altos Elementary, then Newton Middle School, then Los Altos High School. After that? I have NO IDEA :)
#11 I should start thinking about SATs…but for some reason it’s not really applying to my brain…
#12 I HAVE A LOT OF NEPHEWS AND NIECES!!!!! And a brother in law and another sister other than my biological sister :) LOL
#13 I used to go to Disneyland once EVERY YEAR when I was kid to watch my sister perform for dance :) That’s probably why I’m not so caring about Disneyland anymore…
#14 I’ve never been to Six Flags before
#15 I hate smoking/smokers etc. Dont do drugs.
#16 I go back to Taiwan once a year since I was like…5. It used to be every winter break, but that changed this year..but it’s still once a year.
#17 I have driven twice recently. Both without a permit/license :D Don’t worry, I had supervision
#18 Junior year is stressful.
#19 When I don’t talk, or reply…it means I don’t feel like saying anything or I don’t have anything to say. Not because I’m ignoring you.
#20 Apparently I laugh when I’m in pain? But if I don’t feel much pain, how do I laugh when I feel pain…weird huh
#21 I’ve been stuck in Symphonic Band for 3 years. Twice because of schedule problems
#22 I want to learn…guitar/sax/trumpet :D Too bad clarinet/drums
#23 I’ve had less anger spikes recently…good good
#24 I haven’t read a book on my own accord in a LOONNNGGG time
#25 We got a new wood floor. And we still haven’t moved everything back yet…oh welll @_@


Amazing DarkFall Promo Video of Astonishing Wonder

Now normally my super secret plan to get rich from this blog by pimping DarkFall is super secret, but since I feel like getting a soda at lunch today, go watch this video and then buy DarkFall through the link in the top left. Thank you.

(In the interest of semi-full disclosure: Valroth is a member of VAMP, a nice guy, has one of the best characters in the game, and is way way too good at DarkFall. Plus makes better promo videos in his spare time using only in-game footage than some game companies put together for professional release :cough: STO :cough:)


gingerbread empire.

while i would love to say this is what we built, it is not. it's just really legit.

my friend matthew and i are determined to make a gingerbread empire this christmas. matthew and i are determined to rule the world. since we can’t rule this one, we’re making our own. but let me tell those of you who have never endeavored to make a gingerbread house from scratch: it’s about 4000x harder than you think. first of all, we didn’t know how to make gingerbread. we finally found a mix for gingerbread cake and left out the flour…which didn’t work so well because it stuck to the cookie sheet like you wouldn’t believe. after hours of struggling and eating half of what we made and getting distracted every 5 seconds, we have the bare bones of our first building. this will be an ongoing project.

and this got me thinking about creation. we’re two fairly creative people, if i do say so myself, and we had an extremely hard time creating this gingerbread house. it got me thinking about how God created everything. it got me thinking about art and how God is the greatest artist. then i thought, really, He’s the only artist. if an artist is someone who creates, then God is the only one. anything we do is merely a copy of something.

this got me thinking about deaf people. i’m wondering how they form their thoughts. when i think, i say everything out loud in my head; i hear my voice. how do deaf people form their thoughts? people who have always been deaf i mean. do they think in sign language? having my ears stopped up makes me realize that i’d rather be blind than deaf. it seems to me that there are far more opportunities to be deceived through your eyes than through your ears. and to never hear music! i wonder if they create sounds within their minds. it seems possible, probable even, that their mind should make up for what their body lacks.

and what of the blind? those who have always been blind, i mean. when someone says the word “purple,” something will come to mind because that’s just how the mind works. but having never seen anything, having no preliminary image of anything, not even knowing darkness because they do not know the light, what comes to mind? i am inclined to think that purple then becomes a sound. the sound of the word perhaps. or maybe a feeling–the arrangement of bumps that mean “purple” when brushed with fingertips. but, if the same logic is applied as before, then the mind may invent something that is to him or her “purple.”

what are the capabilities of the imagination, and what exactly is our capacity to create?


Monday, December 14, 2009

Global Warming - Complete Fiction

C02 emissions! Climate change! The Greenhouse effect! SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

Let me start by saying that in no way am I a scientist or an expert on the subject but having been outside before, I can tell you right now that this world is definitely in a moment of crisis.  No, I’m not talking about the sudden panic over the world increasing in temperature by one degree every so many years. I’m talking about the belief in Global Warming itself. In my opinion, it doesn’t exist. Here’s why:

If you’ve been to the north between the months of November – March in the last couple hundred years, you would have immediately recognized the ice and the snow covering that part of the hemisphere. Now, being from Canada, I can tell you just from personal experience that the ice caps are fine. They aren’t going anywhere. Do you know how I know this?

Ever tried melting ice off your driveway in the middle of January? Not gonna happen. Why? Because it’s cold. I can only imagine that giant blocks of ice sitting in a frozen ocean aren’t going to be chipping away when it’s -50 degrees celcius. That’s just basic science.

Now, you might be thinking: ‘Wait a minute. It’s not ALWAYS -50 degrees in the arctic!’

You’re right. It isn’t. Ice does melt. It’s not impervious to heat. You know why? The Earth’s axis is tilted. That gives us seasons. One big season – sometimes referred to as Summer, does occur in the arctic. The melting ice isn’t caused by co2 emissions or greenhouse gases or whatever the hell you want to call it. Believe it or not, the Sun itself is hot. When the Sun appears, it warms the Earth. Again, basic science.

Now you’re probably thinking  ‘If the ice is capable of melting (which I never said it wasn’t), what about the polar bears?!’

What about the polar bears?

They’re animals. They can adapt to their environment, just as every animal has done over billions of years. Just because the ice melts, doesn’t mean there isn’t dry land available close to a water source that holds their meals. Ever been to Manitoba? *GASP* REAL LIVE POLAR BEARS. AND THEY’RE NOT DROWNING! Why? Because they’re smart enough to get OFF THE MELTING ICE.

Now let’s move on to those blasted co2 emissions.

Consider this: There are 6 billion human beings on this planet. I imagine there are as many and more cars for every human being on this planet. Consider the size of the planet in relation to all 6 billion of us. Now, that is alot of pollution. I’m not denying it. Ever been to Los Angeles? Smog!fest. My point is, no matter what kind of pedestal humanity likes to run around on, it is completely arrogant to think that only 6 billion of us are able to affect a planet that has been around for billions of years and hasn’t yet been destroyed by its inhabitants. And compare our size to the size of the Earth…the ratio doesn’t exactly scream PLANET MURDERERS!

C02 is plant food. Basic science once again. The plants absorb the c02 and expel oxygen. And we’re trying to cut down on plant food because…? We don’t like to breathe?

Another point I’d like to make: The media and scientists all over the world want to convince us that the Earth is heating up because we are causing too much pollution, cutting down too many trees and we are idling our cars in the middle of a sub-zero winter. (Which I can imagine, ends up in more hypothermia deaths in humans than co2 suffocation of the atmosphere, but who’s counting?)

Did these scientists ever think that maybe the Sun is getting hotter? You don’t try to clean up your house when your living room is too hot. You open a window.

Besides, the Earth itself is its own radiator. The friction of the mantel, orbit and so on creates heat inside the planet. The atmosphere stores the heat. The heat has been there for billions of years, even during the last ice age. Life cycled on! If anything, I truly believe the Earth is getting colder. Do you want to know why I have this belief?

Come to Canada in the middle of January. If the ice hasn’t frozen your eyebrows into a terrifyed expression or if your lungs are still able to function through the heaviness of the life-sucking cold in the air, then you just keep on handing out your Global Warming pamphlets which have probably been made out of all those trees you’ve been trying so desperately to save.

I’m sure the polar bears will thank you.


al Qaeda validates report, issues video apology for killing mostly Muslims (video)

Muslims supposedly aren’t al Qaeda’s target, but they are usually al Qaeda’s victims. Who’s your “friend and protector” now?

Just days after the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point released a report stating over the last four years 85% of al Qaeda’s victims, and in the last two years 98% of al Qaeda’s victims, were non-Western and predominantly Muslim, al Qaeda’s waning image is on the ropes. Not only has al Qaeda validated the report, but felt compelled to issue a video response apologizing to all the Muslims they kill.

“The mujahideen declare themselves innocent of these attacks…”

“We express our condolences to the families of the Muslim men, women and children killed in these criminal acts…”

“We also express the same in regard to the unintended Muslim victims of the mujahedeen’s operations against the crusaders and their allies and puppets…”

That would be the 98% of Muslims and non-Westerners killed in attacks by al Qaeda’s “Muslim killers and destroyers of Muslim homes, mosques, schools, and markets,”  as Gadahn states, identified by Arab news sources in the report linked above.

Watch California native Adam Gadahn, aka Azzam the American, stutter and squirm as he spews al Qaeda propaganda on the jihad’s favorite network, YouTube (below the fold):

CTC and others should be issuing reports and news like this far and wide on a regular basis. If the White House can translate Obama greetings into multiple languages and take over television air time, they can certainly do the same with this type of information and they should if they expect any chance of winning the propaganda battles.


Final Project Profile:

This isn’t a cop-out by any means, at least I’m not profiling myself- which would guarantee a couple thousand hits in a few days!!

A profile on a smaller person is important because surfers as a whole are made up of individuals. And this individual I’m profiling is one that I’m highly involved with and interact with very frequently. He’s my friend Aaron (Rosen), or according to his high school diploma; Aaron Duracell (AA, like the batteries) Rosen.

Aaron is 20, the son of his parents, and brother to his siblings; Moises, Ezra, and Naomi. He’s lived his life in Lakewood, New Jersey and has been hating what it’s slowly been turned in to. If you lived there, you’d understand. No one can drive, but Friday at night most of the town really can’t drive (literally!). Gangs have swept the town; (rip5, B|o0d5, Lat|n K|ng5, M$|3, Cheerleaders, you name it- they’re there. At the end of his block is a gang house, we know because we’ve longboarded past it many-a-times while they had hip-hoppin’ parties; no offers of crunk were ever made.

Though life can seem quite troublesome, even with guns in the house, Aaron finds most solace in one thing- Surfing.

  • Aaron on surfing:

I was upset he didn’t mention our trip to California, but if you’d seen what had happened to his foot you would understand… Basically, the temperature of the road blistered his whole sole and the majority of it came off. It was kinda funny, it would have been fully funny if it didn’t ruin our trip and his time.

  • Our day:

Iiiiiii pulled up to his houseabout 7 or 8… No, it was definitely 7.

Aaron cheerfully came out, and in shorts for no sane reason.

Forgoing most formalities other than ‘Hey,’ we wanted to get to the beach as soon as possible; just before low tide. So we got to packed, finished up, and were on our way.

The majority of our conversations were filled with:

vibrant debate
and fervor.

(I’m never really sure if he brings up how great the waves were the day I couldn’t go out to aggravate me and make me hate life even more, or if he’s just trying to psyche me up. He’s always meant well since I’ve know him, but I think that’s just a ploy to really rub waves in my face..)

We eventually reached our destination and conditions seemed reasonable

And after checking both sides of the pier,

we knew where we’d be going

  • Changing is never fun:


It’s never amusing, getting in or out of a suit, especially when the temperatures are cold and  the wind is blowing. The day before had been a gorgeous day, in the 60’s and with not window. Today, however, was a lot less friendly. It was in the mid forties and wind easterly winds blowing hard enough to cause “shrinkage”.

Since the recent battering on the shore from storms, ocean municipalities like Seaside have been moving sand to try and create dunes to stop future flooding, at the same time, they move the sand that has been pushed up and piled up under the boardwalks back to its rightful place after a few waves toss it around.

Aaron found his space and in a Yogi-like manner pointed out like he was trying to say “Aye, Mikey, I think I see a wave.”

He strapped in and was ready for fall had to offer.

He seemed to be enjoy himself today, catching whatever wave he wanted. The beauty of this time of the year in the surf community is that only the die hards are out, and die hards have respect for other die hards. There’s not much localism or animosity like there is in the summer, so finding waves is never an issue.

  • After

The morning never last as long as it should on days when there are decent waves, and today was no exception. A certain young man had school (Aaron) so we had to call it quits, and I had 30 minutes of work to go for (Yeah, 30, honestly would would anyone do that?)

We said our “Goodbye”s and parted ways forever

Which in Mike-time means all of two hours.

  • School

I caught up again with Aaron at his college.

He is currently finishing up school at his local community college, Ocean County College. After OCC, Aaron plans to attend TCNJ (where a lot of attractive girls I know go).

when I caught him he was on his way to work out a scholarship proposal with the Phi Beta Kappa, also know as the Honor Society(… Society?). Aaron attend community college because he’d gotten in to the Stars Program, and they would pay his college education as long as he’d stayed in the top percentile of his class, he excelled, and after the semester is over, he’ll be able to join PBK.

The man was on a mission

But he ended up just waiting,

and waiting,

and waiting.

Worst of all? I was stuck waiting!

Rosen’s proposal was rejected due to his “Star” status, and soon after we were finally out of there, and on our separate ways.

How would he cope with the disappointment? Sleeping? Surfing? Yelling at the heavens?

I’m putting my money on all three.
