Wednesday, December 16, 2009

gingerbread empire.

while i would love to say this is what we built, it is not. it's just really legit.

my friend matthew and i are determined to make a gingerbread empire this christmas. matthew and i are determined to rule the world. since we can’t rule this one, we’re making our own. but let me tell those of you who have never endeavored to make a gingerbread house from scratch: it’s about 4000x harder than you think. first of all, we didn’t know how to make gingerbread. we finally found a mix for gingerbread cake and left out the flour…which didn’t work so well because it stuck to the cookie sheet like you wouldn’t believe. after hours of struggling and eating half of what we made and getting distracted every 5 seconds, we have the bare bones of our first building. this will be an ongoing project.

and this got me thinking about creation. we’re two fairly creative people, if i do say so myself, and we had an extremely hard time creating this gingerbread house. it got me thinking about how God created everything. it got me thinking about art and how God is the greatest artist. then i thought, really, He’s the only artist. if an artist is someone who creates, then God is the only one. anything we do is merely a copy of something.

this got me thinking about deaf people. i’m wondering how they form their thoughts. when i think, i say everything out loud in my head; i hear my voice. how do deaf people form their thoughts? people who have always been deaf i mean. do they think in sign language? having my ears stopped up makes me realize that i’d rather be blind than deaf. it seems to me that there are far more opportunities to be deceived through your eyes than through your ears. and to never hear music! i wonder if they create sounds within their minds. it seems possible, probable even, that their mind should make up for what their body lacks.

and what of the blind? those who have always been blind, i mean. when someone says the word “purple,” something will come to mind because that’s just how the mind works. but having never seen anything, having no preliminary image of anything, not even knowing darkness because they do not know the light, what comes to mind? i am inclined to think that purple then becomes a sound. the sound of the word perhaps. or maybe a feeling–the arrangement of bumps that mean “purple” when brushed with fingertips. but, if the same logic is applied as before, then the mind may invent something that is to him or her “purple.”

what are the capabilities of the imagination, and what exactly is our capacity to create?


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