Friday, December 11, 2009

Random day of nothing?

Today was, to be honest, a pretty normal day. Nothing important of mentioning. I taped up the chair of the person I’m nisse for AGAIN, but this time I taped some candy to the wheels of it. Unfortunately I didn’t remember to take a picture of it today /: After school I had work, and except for me teasing Morten about the “liver pâté” (leverpostej – funny translation) and his beer, it was boring as hell, just like always. When I got home I heated up some supper from yesterday, because my mum went to a christmas party today, and afterwards I read some blogs. And finally I went for my daily 40 minutes of running! It’s great how I’m no longer tired as hell when I get home, but instead I feel refreshed and satisfied with myself. I’m really glad I started running everyday – it really helps me feel better (:

I am – as ALWAYS – anxiously waiting for august 2010! But I’m also waiting from response from Explorius about my online application – whether they approve of it or not. And I’m seriously looking forward to New Year’s Eve – biiiig party! –  and the 2nd of January ‘10 – christmas party with my class, afterwards party! To me it seems like life just gets better and better. I just have the feeling that after New Year, time will begin to pass by really quickly, and I’m starting to realize just how much I’m gonna be missing all of my classmates after I finish “folkeskole” (lit. “elementary school”, grade 0 to 9) forever :’( We’ve been together for 10 years now, and it’ll be really, really weird – not to mention sad! – not to see everything everyday anymore…


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