Monday, December 14, 2009

Global Warming - Complete Fiction

C02 emissions! Climate change! The Greenhouse effect! SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

Let me start by saying that in no way am I a scientist or an expert on the subject but having been outside before, I can tell you right now that this world is definitely in a moment of crisis.  No, I’m not talking about the sudden panic over the world increasing in temperature by one degree every so many years. I’m talking about the belief in Global Warming itself. In my opinion, it doesn’t exist. Here’s why:

If you’ve been to the north between the months of November – March in the last couple hundred years, you would have immediately recognized the ice and the snow covering that part of the hemisphere. Now, being from Canada, I can tell you just from personal experience that the ice caps are fine. They aren’t going anywhere. Do you know how I know this?

Ever tried melting ice off your driveway in the middle of January? Not gonna happen. Why? Because it’s cold. I can only imagine that giant blocks of ice sitting in a frozen ocean aren’t going to be chipping away when it’s -50 degrees celcius. That’s just basic science.

Now, you might be thinking: ‘Wait a minute. It’s not ALWAYS -50 degrees in the arctic!’

You’re right. It isn’t. Ice does melt. It’s not impervious to heat. You know why? The Earth’s axis is tilted. That gives us seasons. One big season – sometimes referred to as Summer, does occur in the arctic. The melting ice isn’t caused by co2 emissions or greenhouse gases or whatever the hell you want to call it. Believe it or not, the Sun itself is hot. When the Sun appears, it warms the Earth. Again, basic science.

Now you’re probably thinking  ‘If the ice is capable of melting (which I never said it wasn’t), what about the polar bears?!’

What about the polar bears?

They’re animals. They can adapt to their environment, just as every animal has done over billions of years. Just because the ice melts, doesn’t mean there isn’t dry land available close to a water source that holds their meals. Ever been to Manitoba? *GASP* REAL LIVE POLAR BEARS. AND THEY’RE NOT DROWNING! Why? Because they’re smart enough to get OFF THE MELTING ICE.

Now let’s move on to those blasted co2 emissions.

Consider this: There are 6 billion human beings on this planet. I imagine there are as many and more cars for every human being on this planet. Consider the size of the planet in relation to all 6 billion of us. Now, that is alot of pollution. I’m not denying it. Ever been to Los Angeles? Smog!fest. My point is, no matter what kind of pedestal humanity likes to run around on, it is completely arrogant to think that only 6 billion of us are able to affect a planet that has been around for billions of years and hasn’t yet been destroyed by its inhabitants. And compare our size to the size of the Earth…the ratio doesn’t exactly scream PLANET MURDERERS!

C02 is plant food. Basic science once again. The plants absorb the c02 and expel oxygen. And we’re trying to cut down on plant food because…? We don’t like to breathe?

Another point I’d like to make: The media and scientists all over the world want to convince us that the Earth is heating up because we are causing too much pollution, cutting down too many trees and we are idling our cars in the middle of a sub-zero winter. (Which I can imagine, ends up in more hypothermia deaths in humans than co2 suffocation of the atmosphere, but who’s counting?)

Did these scientists ever think that maybe the Sun is getting hotter? You don’t try to clean up your house when your living room is too hot. You open a window.

Besides, the Earth itself is its own radiator. The friction of the mantel, orbit and so on creates heat inside the planet. The atmosphere stores the heat. The heat has been there for billions of years, even during the last ice age. Life cycled on! If anything, I truly believe the Earth is getting colder. Do you want to know why I have this belief?

Come to Canada in the middle of January. If the ice hasn’t frozen your eyebrows into a terrifyed expression or if your lungs are still able to function through the heaviness of the life-sucking cold in the air, then you just keep on handing out your Global Warming pamphlets which have probably been made out of all those trees you’ve been trying so desperately to save.

I’m sure the polar bears will thank you.


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