Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Make Myself Loving

I’ve heard it said that we do things that support our image of ourself.

Like if I consider myself “loving” then I will act in a way that supports this view.  Doing “loving” things.

The only problem I have with this view of self is that it makes it seem like there is really nothing “underneath” our own view of ourselves.  I do think we, as humans, are less fluid than that.  We get more engrained.  We’re born with a general disposition and though it can be tweaked, it’s impossible to change.

That’s not what this post is about though, because on the flip side, I also see that we create the person we want to be.


Me… as a person who likes to think of herself as “loving”…

How do I behave that supports that?

Part of me does not even want to know.


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