Friday, December 11, 2009

The space-time continuum

Here are a few random things that you probably never wanted to know but that I am going to tell you anyways:

First of all, I am obsessed with organizing my friends list on Facebook. I have it divided into “Harding Friends,” “Friends I Actually Might Have A Facebook Chat With,” “People I Don’t Want To Talk To,” and “Other Friends.” For some reason, however, even being in the Harding network won’t add you to the automatic Harding Friends list, so I always have to drag them over from “Other Friends” to Harding friends. Except I’ve been doing it for so long that now, it’s only once every week or so that I get to drag friends over into the Harding Friends list. Every time I get to do it, I feel like I’m beating a Super Mario level.

My stomach just growled.

Tonight, I went to a Christmas party at Chelsie and Austen’s apartment where I ate too much puppy chow and we watched Elf and Home Alone, the latter of which I had actually never seen before. Also, there was a cute boy there with a beautiful smile and good eye contact. Now you may ask, in the words of Lisa, “Mmmm, who’s he?” but too bad, you won’t find out, just in case he’s stalking me and is reading my blog… right… now.

In which case I have probably just committed the Great Sin of Terrification. Oh well.

In China, it is legal to have stem cells injected into your bloodstream for various medicinal therapies. However, because no one really understands this techniques, really crazy things have happened, like people having a foot grow out of their back. Just sit there and imagine that.

If I had to choose how to die, I would want to take LSD as I jumped out of an airplane without a parachute. It would fulfill two things I would probably never accomplish without the surety of death following: 1) trying a hallucinogenic drug, and 2) totally conquering my fear of heights, because what better way to conquer something than face it head on?

Oh and here is something special for you all. Since all of this has been really relevant already, and stuff.


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