Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween *Special*

First off i would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween 2009, this is the first of the special posts which will occur on special holidays such as Christmas, Easter and More. I wasn’t quite sure what to write about so i’ve decided to mix some facts with some jokes and some tips too!

Were did Halloween come from?

Halloween originated from Ireland during the 1840’s in the Celtic culture, According to their Druid religion the 1st of November was their New Year. The celebrations would begin on the 31st October and continue until the next day. It’s believed all the spirits who had died the previous year would rise up and roam the earth during this night. Halloween is now celebrated all over the world with costumes, trick or treat and Superstitions.

Top Halloween Jokes!

Q: Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?

A: Because he didn’t have the guts!


Q: What is a vampires favorite form of transport?

A: Via a Blood Vessel!


Q: What kind of Street do Ghosts like best?

A: A Dead End


Some Awesome Trick Idea’s:

  • Decorate your front lawn with all things superstitious. Ladder, black cat, broken mirror, crows. Put the number 13 on your door, It’ll look awesome and people will be dodging everything!
  • At a party, keep and eye out for beverages. Put in fake spiders and insects near the bottom. Someone will discover it sooner or later.
  • Dress up as a Halloween lawn decoration then as people pass jump up at them, this is sure to scare them and get a top reaction!


Well that’s all i got for you this time, hope it was good enough and contained some useful and some fun info and tips! Have a great Halloween and keep safe!


I gotta say, bravo to the History channel for their shows this week. I’m the kinda guy who loves October for many reason: Sam Adam’s Oktoberfest, Football, Hockey season starts and Halloween. I love seeing all the old (mostly terrible) slasher/horror movies that AMC, Syfy, etc. show all week long. I don’t remember other channels such as History or Discovery doing Halloween specials, but I have really enjoyed what the History channel has done this year. From the history of the Wolfman to the epxloration of Vlad Tepes castles, each show has been fantastic and informative. Bravo!

I hope we can stop writing articles on why women like yaoi

Now I know many of you by now are sick and tired of all the articles on the reasons why straight women enjoy yaoi. I think we’ve come to a point now where we can stop writing about the reasons. I mean, it’s not something that should spend time focusing on. I think it’s been established now that there are a variety of reasons why women (and even a few men) like yaoi. But I guess it’s very difficult for some people to see why. Women enjoying the site of two guys having sex, preposterous!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A fun little side post . . .

The Rules: Bold the things you have knit at least once, with italics the ones you plan to do sometime, and leave the rest.

Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Knitting with camel yarn
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Knitting with silk
Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Drop stitch patterns
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Domino knitting (modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns
Lace patterns
Publishing a knitting book
Teaching a child to knit
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Dyeing with plant colors
Knitting items for a wedding
Household items
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on two circulars
Olympic knitting
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn
Knitting with DPNs
Holiday related knitting
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dyeing yarn
Knitting art
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting
Knitting with self-patterning/self-striping/variegating yarn
Stuffed toys
Baby items
Knitting with cashmere
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mitts/arm warmers
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine
Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair (EWW!!)
Hair accessories
Knitting in public

Nyhetstorka? Nää då..

Ok, det är så ont om nyheter idag att jag för första gången någonsin läste en artikel på “en av Sveriges största bloggar”, Kissies blogg. Artikeln handlar om att hon har varit på tv där hon åt pung, vilket inte är så ofattbart efter all SPSP hon måste ha fått i sig under de senaste åren. SPSP är SturePlansStekarPenis, en fras uppfunnen av mig, inspirerad av Kissie (TM, Copyright, osv). Jag förväntade mig inte så mycket hjärngympa från en artikel skriven av någon som Kissie, men hennes stavning får svenskalärare från tidernas begynnelse fram till idag att vända sig i graven och få platinablonda mordtankar. Välkommen till wtmfd, där man skriver med korrekt svenska och inte är det minsta bitter över andra människors oförtjänta framgång.

Notis – jag tyckte att det skulle vara mycket trevligare att få stirra på en söt björn än på Heidi Montags försummade avkomma medan jag skrev den här artikeln. Hoppas att det är ok med er!

Half a day in St. James

October 27, 2009.

Due to an ‘emergency,’ I had to dash to St. James QC to rescue a friend. It was not of a big deal actually, since it was my off and I was bored anyway, I kinda volunteered to go. Anyways, it was my first time to set foot in that school. I’ve known its existence since I was six. Whenever we go to Novaliches to visit my cousins, my mother would always point to that place and tell me that that’s where my cousins study.

Going back, I didnt mind the fact that it was 1pm and it’s scorching hot outside. I didnt mind the fact that I have to sleep because I have work early morning next day. All I wanted to accomplish was to get to QC as soon as possible to rescue a friend.

Got there ’round 2pm. We met in a fast food chain, gave her a fleeting hug, and she dragged inside the institution. Honestly speaking, I was somehow excited to enter a school again, because I know that it will make me feel like I want to teach. I was right. Although, the feeling was not that strong, but I simply felt… at home. There’s no other word to describe it.

We sat and talked. She vented, I listened while my eyes are fixed on her face. I’ve never seen her like that before. She said something about cheering,bloody (literally) student, and how she has been feeling that way from the moment she woke up. I repeatedly ask her to calm down, and try to help her get to main reason why she’s feeling the way she does. We got the answer: Manong Service. (long story, really)

Anyways, some of her co-teachers passed by and discussed work-related things with her, while she chats the hour away, I noticed how messy the room was, so I volunteered to clean it up. I enjoyed cleaning the room, anyway. Haha. Best thing I did that day.

I left the school ’round 4:30pm, with the feeling that I wanted to teach lingering.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweetiegirlz, perfecting the art of worrying...for nothing!

       What you’re seeing is a groggy, Little A just coming out of her anesthesia.  Everything went great, and besides the job of worrying about her, i had to make sure “snowflake” (her webkins) made it to her side, when she woke up.       


     despite her expression, minutes later, little A wakes up and gets a few ice chips and a popscicle down her


  She gets a dose of relief in her I.V. from the nurse.  From that point on, little A is really alert and normal and great.   not that she’s doing cartwheels but you know…. lot’s better.


     One of the things, she worried about is if the I.V.  would hurt going in, but they gave her a little gas first, so she didn’t feel anything.  little A said that her head felt like it was a baloon full of air.



Shortly, she was watching a Disney movie, eating a popscicle and making chit chat. 



i couldn’t have asked for a better experience with Same day surgery if i tried to think of one!  Everyone was wonderful, friendly, supportive, and on their j-0-b.    i essentially was in awe of the differences between tonsillectomy when i was a kid, and now, with ambulatory surgery.   i would like to thank the ambulatory surgery clinic staff at KU WEST in Kansas City.  You guys rock! 

Lionel and his Welsh connection

Last night I had the pleasure of sitting down and watching Barcelona systematically dismantle Real Zaragoza in probably the first performance of the season where they truly looked the same side who swept their way to a mesmeric treble last season.

During the match, the commentators drifted towards the subject of Lionel Messi and the recent criticism of his efforts in the shirt of struggling Argentina. The criticism was a somewhat harsh one, suggesting that as the best player in a struggling team, Messi ought to impart more influence on the game. At this point I must defend Sky’s commentator’s, neither of whom seemed to subscribe to what is a ridiculous and narrow minded interpretation of Messi as a footballer.

Messi does not dominate football matches. He is simply to physically unintimidating to do so and any manager who ignorantly devises a system which requires Messi to be the playmaker can only achieve so much. I cannot claim to have watched enough of Argentina over the course of their unspectacular qualifying campaign but from what I managed to catch Maradona appeared to have naively decided that the more Messi has the ball, the better Argentina will play.

Barcelona can extract the best of Messi because they do not rely on him. The central figures in Pep Guardiola’s system are those based more centrally, usually Xavi, Iniesta and Ibrahimovic, which allows Messi to play a free role, cutting in from the right or collecting the ball in the centre and running at defenders. He is far from a peripheral figure but his best moments are explosive, bursts of frightening genius which change the momentum of attacks.

I sat for a while trying to rustle up a decent comparison for Messi in the footballing world. I stumbled on a couple of obvious ones, Gianfranco Zola (though how much that was actually to do with stature I’m not sure), Ronaldinho and Dennis Bergkamp (not the same type of player but the short bursts of brilliance amongst much malaise was similar) were my first picks but it was a Rugby player whom I felt rung the most bells.

Shane Williams plays Rugby in much the same way that Messi plays football. The outgoing IRB world player of the year is likewise diminutive and shares Messi’s ability to inject pace into game with a few silky steps. They are also both deceptively strong and thrive when legs are tiring and the match becomes stretched. Above all, they are two of the few remaining poets in sports increasingly dominated by lawyers and accountants, artists among listless artisans and central to the very reason we love sport; for its beauty, spontaneity and all encompassing embrace. Stay clear ofthe melee boys, you’re fine as you are.

Music is Love. Faith is Love.

Christian rock entices me. I’d like to electronically bow in front of the luminous whiz kid who came up with this idea. I bet you’re all speculating what were the chronicles that brought upon this fabulous phenomenon. The truth is I don’t know for sure. But if I had to guess…

I imagine a late Monday night emergency meeting in the basement of some small town church. The reverend, still exhausted from a full week of molesting the entire 8th grade gospel choir, shakes his head in disbelief after another low attendance Sunday Mass and says aloud in front of the bearded nuns and a few key members of the community:

“Oh Lord thy great who is wise and more alluring than a free-of-charge pedophilia website: how can I bring Jesus into the heart of my community?”

The lord, of course, didn’t answer. But Mrs. Archer, a concerned mother of Irish descent took her turn in speaking, ending the uncomfortable silence and replying to the holy man by saying: “Listen you piece of shit pervert. My 7 year old told me you fondled him in the chancel three days ago.”

“He enjoyed it and was fully engaged!” said the priest. “He should be grateful for my semen.”

Okay sorry people. I guess this post has taken a few wrong turns and I’m losing it a tad. Let me go back to my main point – Christian rock. It’s awesome. Here’s one of my favorite songs. I got it on iTunes. Love it. Now I’d like to dissect it as if I’m back in High-School because I loved doing that. My comments are in bold.


As time went on

I opened up my eyes

Never really knew me

You don’t know what’s deep inside – This is a nice start. Can still end up being a normal song. Somewhat deep, I can feel an epiphany approaching.

Just so you know I’ll never be like you– Wow. Why the hostility all of a sudden?

I’ll take what God has made me – Why don’t you take it. And shove it. Up your ass.

I’m not an empty shell – You’re a shell full of shit.

And I hope they see

Instead of following – You know that praying and church et al. is basically “following”? I mean all things aside, ‘Christianity’ isn’t really synonymous with ‘Precede’.

Finally awake – Morning.

I’m feel alive today – Cause you drank wine and was told it’s blood. P.S. you have grammar mistakes. Even I can tell.

I feel everything – Feel that..? no? how bout now? no? oh well.

It’s all so clear to me – As predicted, the epiphany arrives in serendipitous fashion.

How many times

Have I hated who I was – nuff’ with the hate already.

Lost sight of what defines me

‘cause of airbrush magazines – Yes! How many times indeed? I ask myself that often.

But now I’ve come

To cherish who I am

Sick and tired of faking

A life that wasn’t mine – Where have I heard this before? Oh right, The Anna Nicole Smith Show.

Finally awake

I’m feel alive today

I feel everything

It’s all so clear to me – Fucking a man. Good for you.

I’m alive

It’s all so clear to me

I’m alive

It’s all so clear to me – okay we get it. You don’t need to repeat every sentence.

And I hope they see – Are you just hoping or are you praying as well?

I feel everything – Great motherfucking ending line. Powerful shit man.

Have a great ya’ll.

Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Random Facts on October 23rd

In lieu of a regular post, I bring you a totally random post. A list of 23 things (since it is the 23rd….creative, I know.)

1. I tried a pumpkin scone from Starbucks the other day. It changed my life. Okay, I might be being a LITTLE bit dramatic, but it was very, very good. I got one for David and then had a few bites of it. I love pumpkin stuff….I’m thinking I need to try a Pumpkin Spice Latte at some point this year. I’ve never had one, somehow. I have a tendency to get stuck in ruts when it comes to my Starbucks drinks.

2. I watched “The Stepfather” last night. I wanted to watch a scary movie and my boyfriend so sweetly took me. It was good….not too bloody and gross. We went to the Cinnebarre in Mountlake Terrace and we were literally the only ones in the theater.

3. Todo Mexico (on 1st Street in Snohomish) is my new favorite Mexican restaurant. For the past six months, David had been telling me how good it was. He finally took me, I think it was last week….I absolutely loved it! Excellent food….AND it’s right on the Snohomish River, so there’s a really pretty view.

4. I think I could easily become addicted to  I always have a book or a movie I want to get….and they have pretty much everything you could possibly think of. I have a wishlist on there, so feel free to purchase me something! I’m TOTALLY kidding. It’s mostly for me, so I can keep track of the different things I would like to own. There are a lot of old movies on there right now. That reminds me, I need to add the Wizard of Oz.

5. I currently hate all my clothes…well, MOST of my clothes. I rarely buy new clothes, and I’ve bought even less lately (being that I am unemployed and all….). I really need a few new things to give me more options and to update my wardrobe. I have a lot of good basics, I just need a few things to update it all a little bit. Maybe someday….

6. Shoes. I am in desperate need of SHOES. Now that it is raining all the time and cold out, I really don’t have very many shoes suitable for the weather. I need to change that soon, I think.

7. I have found lately that I love sandwiches. I think it all depends on the brand of bread.

8. I forgot how much I love “The Office”. I will start watching it regularly again. I also love watching it on dvd….a bunch of episodes in a row….what could be better?!

9. I want to go to a corn maze. It’s been a few years, since I’ve gone to one. There is a farm in Snohomish that has the “field of screams” at night. I SO want to go! That’s where I went a few years ago, and it was so much fun. Now if only there could be a night where it’s not raining….

10. I’m already excited for the holidays. I realize it isn’t even Halloween yet, but I am excited anyway.

11. I’m not super into Halloween. I hate dressing up, and usually don’t do anything special for Halloween. I like going to pumpkin farms and such, but that’s about the extent of my festivities.

12. I think it’s hilarious when everyone on Facebook gets all riled up about every single new feature or change. Do they realize that they do this every single time? They all freak out and then get used to it. Facebook isn’t going to stop coming up with new things….that’s how they stay relevant. Technology is always changing, they have to keep up. It’s just so silly. People don’t like the new “live feed”. I don’t know what the big deal is….all you have to do is click on “news feed”, and you can go back to the old one. PLUS, it’s not that different to begin with so, who cares!

13. I love reading blogs. It’s a bit of an addiction, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a bad addiction to have.

14. I hate it when people are racist….when people judge my boyfriend because of how he looks. The funny thing is, their assumptions couldn’t be more wrong. He’s extremely successful and probably has more money than the people who are judging him. People should learn not to judge by appearances. (Dr. Phil was about racism today.)

15. I am longing for a new digital camera. Mine wasn’t the nicest when it was new….now it’s a couple years old and not working so well. I love taking pictures, so it seems like I should have a halfway decent one (since I DO use it ALL the time). I would love a Sony or a Nikon, I think.

16. I would love to be a professional photographer.

17. I need a haircut. I don’t remember the last time I got one….I know it was over six months ago. Appalling, I know. I want to get it trimmed up and get some more layers in it.

18. I am tired of my blog layout, but there aren’t any options available that I like better.

19. I love getting back in touch with old friends (see my last entry).

20. I miss having a place of my own….where I don’t have to share a room with my sister, and where I can actually put my clothes away in a closet and/or dresser. That would be why I am hardly ever home other than to sleep.

21. I had a flashback to my high school days today. I saw the Backstreet Boys singing together on tv. They were singing “I Want it That Way”. I was never a huge fan, but it definitely took me back, because I certainly remember their songs.

22. I am still thinking about one of the purses I saw on Etsy.

23. My hormones have been all over the place this week. Because of this, I have felt out of sorts, been easily irritated, and I’ve felt ugly….hopefully I’m not the only one this happens to. Lol.

That was a lot harder than I thought it would be….apparently I’m not very interesting. Oh well, at least it’s friday!

10 random things

I’m bored, so here goes hehehe:
1. I just had magnum ice cream yum!
2. But i’m craving for hor fun now hehe
3. Big Bang is LOVE
4. Last Farewell by Big Bang is on repeat list for now
5. I’m not gonna do my OP slides…until tmr! bleagh
6. Mika’s One Foot Boy is playing on iTunes now
7. I miss my MG friends, esp the “Fat Club” people ):
8. We should go out soon!
9. Baby Claire’s first month on sunday!
10. But there’s the Red Cross Bazaar on Sunday too. Which one should i go to? Haha

To end off,
Great Advice huh! Haha, maybe this is the way to improve from my lousy, far-from-ideal GP essay marks! Heehee

Warning: emo bullsiht ahead...

… Yeah, now they’re in my heart…

I couldn’t get up today. I hate it when that happens. People I hate in permanent residence. Turning things on the TV that can only be described as Daytime Hogslop. (Jerry Springer, I hope you die a long and excruciatingly painful death.) It’s like living with the high school bully you though you had left behind. Then you remember that life is high school, only bigger, and you feel about ten times worse because you were fooled into thinking life was better than that somehow.

*is briked for no apparent reason*

It’s like the insomniac episode of Ren and Stimpy. i can hear my hair growing, feel my skin peeling…

The places I go when I sleep are about ten times more interesting than if I actually put effort into life as is. Maybe my mind has finally found a way to go there on a more permanent basis.

I feel like I’m writing a the journal that people will find after I’ve gone completely out of my head. The only problem is that, knowing this world, whoever finds it will probably sell it, make millions, and give me none. “What does a crazy person need with money? HAHAHA!”

I hate my glasses. They’re all worn and old now. The black is starting to scrape off and they don’t look as slick anymore. I remember when I first got them. Mom was all bitchy about how i wanted to see what I looked like in the rimless frames. I just wanted to see. It’s not like I was going to say “bag ‘em up” behind her back. I just wanted to see. She’s such a fucking-fucker around money. You all are. We’d be such better creatures if we’d stop eating the menus and start eating the food.

And this is what happens when you’re alone with your thoughts and some Alan Watts recordings for too long. Could be worse. It usually is when I am employed, I start believing the lies. Mostly because I start believing in the system. I’m good now. No more delusions. Society is a sickness I try not to let rule me. That’s going to get me killed one day, but whatever… Let it happen. I’ll die happy, and someone will learn from me.

And now, in the wee hours of the butt-crack of morning, I’m pondering all this as though it’s important. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. It certainly doesn’t feel important.

I used to get up this early. Wash up. Get dressed. Drink some tea. Grab a bagel. Stand at the bus stop for about a half-an-hour in the cold. Work for about 8-10 hours. Come home exhausted. Eat. Sleep. Rash, rinse, repeat. Six days a week. Little to no time or energy for anything else.

Fuck. That. Shit.

Fuck working hard at something that gleans no mental interest with people that seem like they don’t care about you for way less money than it’s worth. Fuck Early days, late nights, and an energy level like that of a sloth when it comes to doing things you want to do. Fuck the pain, the blood, the tears the embarrassment from bosses, the sense of utter failure you get when you run out of money halfway though the week.

I want to revoke my American license. Become landless. Stateless. People-less. I am Jenartica, Coldest fucking place on earth, guaranteed to chill even at the equator.

You can do that you know; there are forms and everything.

I want to kill something. Split open it’s belly. Squeeze the life out of it. This is what they invented Mortal Kombat, methinks.

I don’t even do dishes anymore. That used to be my thing. School, Dishes, Trash, Homework, Writing, Bed. That was about it. Somewhere in all that, I heard bits and pieces about this shit called college, but I felt I was doing enough, thanks. All I felt like adding was a job (poor, deluded me), and maybe work on getting a place of my own. Blurs and bullshit after that. Why the fuck did it take me so long to grow a brain of my own?

I blame TV. All it taught me was that hurting people in the name of justice was right, that a lot of crimes happened in ghetto sections of the city, and that talking bears could also fly planes. There’s a few other important lessons in there, but I think TVTropes covers them all.

Starting to feel better. Just a skosh. Still want to kill things. Probably need another cup of tea. You know, just to “even things out”. Yay, addiction.

I… I don’t want to write anymore. T_T

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whatcha got cookin?

I picked up a few good magazines at the grocery store this week, Food Network Magazine and Real Simple both have Thanksgiving Holiday issues out and they’re both packed full of recipes.  Now we’ve all seen the meal plan sections in magazines like this.  Real Simple has a similar feature this month with “five easy dinners.”  Lets see how easy these dinners really are.

I also thumbed through a bunch of old cookbooks and found some good stuff in there too.  So here’s a look at some good things I’m looking to make and share.

  • Bang Bang Chicken
  • Chicken with Basil and Chilis
  • Bourbon and Orange Pecan Pie
  • Onion Herb Focaccia
  • Lasagna Marinara Rolls
  • Pear-Pecan Upside-Down Cake

Till next time!


I’m looking for something, even though I did not really lose it. I’m looking for a nail clipper, because my nails are really really long. Okay, maybe for others it isn’t that long, but I like my nails to be trimmed and short. And I’m almost ransacking the house desperately for the shiny, tiny, elusive nail clipper.

Reminds me of the time back in Sec 2 or 3, when I had a Sandisk mp3 player which runs on AAA batteries. I would listen to it every night, but of course, I would run out of batteries pretty fast. This would prompt a midnight search, or more like a midnight hunt for the batteries. TV remote controls, air-con remote controls, my sister’s GC, everything I could get my hands on I would pry it open and peer into it for any AAA batteries. Trouble came when every battery was already used. Then my whole family would be complaining non-stop, while my room would be littered with AAA batteries.

Good times.

Ibland skäms jag över att vara svensk

Ja, oftast är jag stolt över det. Stolt över det faktum att Sverige är ett generöst land som tar hand om sina egna och andra som kommer hit. Asylsökande, flyktingar, arbetskraft från andra länder som jobbar här för att försörja sin familj; något dom kanske inte har möjlighet till i sitt hemland. Stolt över den vackra naturen och den rika kultur som finns här.

Men ibland skäms jag också. Skäms över dom idiotiska kommentarerna och det faktum att Sverigedemokraterna håller på att ta sig in i Riksdagen (måtte det aldrig ske och om det sker måtte alla partier gå ihop och inte alliera sig med dom). Det skrämmer mig att det finns människor som faktiskt röstar på ett parti vars grund i princip går ut på att inga invandrare är välkomna hit och dom som råkar befinna sig här ska ut; gärna då andra och tredje generationens invandrare. Sorry kungafamiljen men ni åker ut. Möjligen att kungen kan få stanna men resten av familjen har inte här att göra.

Men nu har dom iaf visat riktigt tydligt vad dom står för. Det är märkligt det här. Har dom (Jimmie Åkesson) aldrig lärt sig vara källkritiska? Det lärde jag mig när jag gick i högstadiet. Men dom kanske aldrig kom så lång… Pinsamt är bara förnamnet! Måtte iaf en eller två av dom som tänker rösta på SD i nästa val genomskåda deras partiprogram och deras mål med att komma in i Riksdagen. Fast det är klart, inte kan det vara några smarta människor som röstar på SD. Eller?

Och här kommer Jimmie Åkessons replik på hans debattartikel i Aftonbladet. För givetvis är det Aftonbladets fel att hans debattartikel misstolkas. Han missar tydligen att det han skriver där är exakt samma sak som han skriver på AB.

För övrigt så påstås det att det är Voltaire som sagt “Jag delar inte din åsikt men jag är beredd att dör för din rätt att framföra dem”. Det är inte riktigt sant att det är Voltaire som sagt just detta utan det är mer en sammanfattning av hans åsikter som Evelyn Beatrice Hall skrev i sin bok om Voltaire. Något kanske JÅ skulle kollat upp innan han skrev att “en klok människa” en gång sa. Vem den där kloka människan var alltså.

Tja, vad ska man säga. Rösta på vilket parti som helst men undvik att rösta på SD. Det samhälle dom vill ha är något jag inte vill ha. Någonsin.

Monday, October 19, 2009

it's not my home, it's their home

Today, I realized what I hate about living at home the most. And it’s that there isn’t a decent place to read a book in here. The lighting is poor (energy saving bulbs are shite), there are few available chairs/couches, and there is always noise. Always. When you have five, sometimes six people living in a house which has been a few years outgrown, a moment’s peace is hard to come by. Well not so much peace, but a spot to read more than 10 pages without getting distracted by clattering pots or four straight minutes of running water. All I would really look for in an apartment is a place for a bed and a big chair with a bright lamp next to it. And probably a monkey butler. So if any of you know where I can find a cheap studio apartment that allows very domesticated pets, let me know.

On a vaguely related note, I am waiting with boner-fueled anticipation for Chuck Klosterman’s new book, which drops tomorrow. After reading the head scratcher that was Downtown Owl, it’s relieving to see that he’s written a follow up to Sex, Drugs, and Coco Puffs. Or anything really, as long as it’s not in novel form. I can’t remember being this excited over a book since they heyday of Goosebumps, which we all know declined in quality after #35 (though Monster Blood III was probably the shark jumper). This summer marked an upswing in reading. I think I have read about 15 books this year, up from a whopping three in 2008. These numbers are due in part to my drastically reduced video game playing (despite clocking in 75 hours in Final Fantasy XII since September) and the fact that I actually have money to purchase books. But most of it has to do with trying to keep up with Ashley. I am waaaaay behind.

But other than all that, life is kicking ass for the first time in a while.

What I Miss About Living in LA

For the past 6 days, Mother Nature has either A) decided to play a trick on the east coast; or B) is just being vindictive for our constant abuse of the environment. I not only turned on the heat in my apartment, I also pulled out my winter hats, scarves, gloves, coats, thermal underwear, boots AND sweatpants. Don’t forget the umbrella since it’s been raining like Noah’s gonna show up. I even made chili and cornbread yesterday (both homemade, by the way… nothing from a can or box here).

It’s mid-October. AUGH. What happened to Fall?

And the best part about this bad weather… a little boy who was sitting behind me at church yesterday kept coughing (the wet, nasty kind of cough) in my hair. I wanted to turn around and scream, “Hey… Typhoid Mary! Back off!” but he was only 5, so I just kept shooting the father dirty looks.

So cold, wet and now possibly sick. Again. Awesome.


What is the purpose of this?

Benefit’s lemon aid:

Our soft, lemon yellow cream helps to hide redness and discoloration on your eyelids. In a snap, eyes look refreshed, frisky, and ready for fun.

Eyelids can become red or discolored?! WHAT??
Really, who would pay $20 for this seemingly useless product? I’ve seen a lot of stupid things out there, but this one is just ridiculous.

Among other products I consider heinous is My Cleaning Trolley, via Sociological Images:

Note how it says “Girls only.” Sociological Images says:

There is nothing inherently wrong with toys that allow kids to mimic doing household tasks. Kids like to play at doing what they see adults doing–in fact, it’s an essential part of development.

Actually, my initial negative reaction stemmed from the fact that I wouldn’t want my kids trying to emulate some minimum wage hotel room cleaner — that’s not why my parents immigrated to America! White collar jobs only!

Friday, October 16, 2009


La tarde del viernes es difícil.

El semblante azul grisáceo  de su horizonte es una trampa de la nostalgia.

El viento mece las hojas de los árboles, que se adormecen con su mano tierna. Luces esporádicas se encienden y, entonces, la tarde del viernes es más desconcertante y abrumadora. Los cerros circundantes no son verdes, ni cafés, ni amarillos; se volvieron del color del mar profundo, y la tierra entera parece encerrada en una burbuja infinita.

Los sonidos  de la calle, se elevan hacia el firmamento y rebotan hacia abajo, como encerrados en una esfera de cristal. Eel efecto multiplicador de los ecos infinitos repetidos incesantemente entre la tierra y el cielo producen un ruido farragoso, que se confunde con los rumores del pasado. Las luces se encienden cada vez más y los cinturones de pobreza adquieren la alegría triste de las nacimientos navideños de los pobres.

El cielo se inunda de un aire morado, como la tinta de un calamar, y se va oscureciendo la esfera que nos cubre. El fin del mundo se vuelve eminente y cercano; y un ateo recalcitrante besará la cruz de los cristianos, jurando la cercanía del  apocalipsis; no pudo Dios haber elegido mejor día para cruficiar a su propio hijo que un viernes. No habrá mejor día para el juicio final y el castigo de los pecadores que en el día de la diosa pagana  Venus.

Mañana, el mundo parirá un nuevo sol, hijo y poderoso. El aire enrrarecido por los gases cósmicos que dominarán la ciudad hasta el alba más próxima se habrán esfumado; los riesgos del viernes habrán fenecido, y el mundo descansará, como Dios descansó, recostado sobre la mañana reluciente del sábado nuevo.

GC Random Thoughts

(These are SCAAC originals – not stolen from Frank J.):

If liberals love socialism so much, why are they still here?

Oh, right. Europe doesn’t have any conservatives to fuel it.

Guns don’t kill people. Except for whatever shoots Bullet Bill.

Avoid pregnancy with Abstinence! 24-hour pregnancy avoidance! No pills, no drugs, no trip to the store! 9-month money-back guarantee!

If Republicans are racist, why does Robert Byrd hate us so much?

And why is Michael Steele our chairman instead of Byrd?

Former Coca-Cola executive Charles Morrison said “I’ll tell you what it takes [to be successful] – being white, that’s what!” only to look in the mirror and shout “What the what?!”

Parents of Democrats must really hate their kids. What kind of middle name is Hussein? Or Rodham?

Though I gotta admit that “Herbert-Walker” isn’t the best name, either.

If Texas secedes and a war starts, where is the US going to get the troops who will fire on Texans?

Is it too late to deny statehood to California?

How about Hawaii?

Let’s see your birth certificate now, Mr. Obama!

If at first you don’t succeed, vote for a liberal.

I always felt weird saying “they” in Jesus Loves Me when I was a kid. I was a “little child” and I fell under “red or yellow; black or white.” It’s like taking self-reference lessons from Dobby.

I read something on Facebook saying Swift will be hosting SNL. It confirmed that she will be doing a musical performance. In other news, water is wet!

Not that I’m complaining, but I haven’t seen a whole heck of a lot of “change” since January.

And I already had “hope” – in the real Messiah.

Jesus loves me, this I know Obama hates me, this I know…

When Life gives you lemons, save them and squirt lemon juice in the Grim Reaper’s eye. Tell him Life told you to do it. Then, he’ll go pick a fight with Life and forget that you were supposed to die.

A bird in the hand will try to peck you. Those two in the bush probably won’t.

When was the last time you actually heard of someone hunting birds with stones? And has anyone ever actually gotten two birds with one stone?

“Try or try not. There is no do. Do. Doo-doo. Hehehe.” -Drunk Yoda

Try saying this five times fast: A Tweeter tweeted more tweets than Tweety taught he twought.

My Earliest Memory on the farm

      Here’s a picture of me all decked out in my new lederhosen  at Grandpa and Grandma’s farm West of Langworthy.   They  moved to Monticello  in 1962 or 63 so I was probably only  3 or 4  at the time.

        I remember riding in the back of  a small wooden  wagon, hanging on  for dear life  as we headed to the standing corn.  The snout of the two-row picker plunged into the  corn, a minute later,  the elevator on the rear of the tractor launched (I mean that literally- it would shoot) whole ears of corn into the wagon.   As the first ears hit the hard wood floor, kernels of corn would come flying off - I remember the sting if  they’d hit my bare skin

        Here’s a clip off  utube that will give you a little idea:

      Aunt Annie  came for a visit  one Fall from Germany.  She  wanted to get a picture of me riding in the wagon.  I remember feeling important that  the old lady with the strange accent and big camera wanted to get a  picture of little old me… Her past was shrouded in mystery. -   There’s definitely a skeleton in the family  closet on this one but since I have no idea whose going to end up reading this, I’m going to leave well enough alone.

    There’s a saying in these parts, “You can take the boy off the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the boy.” 

    Growing up on a farm is a  gift.    I didn’t appreciate it  until years later when we started raising our brood.   We were living in town, our kids were bored, “nothing to do“

 Ever hear that one?  

      It was @ this point my wife looked at me and said “I want to find a farm house- even if we have to rent.”  and the rest is history…we found an old acreage that needed some TLC- they’re still to be had if you keep your ears open- I know of one that’s coming up for sale  you could probably pick up for under $50,000.00- it needs a new well and septic.  My brother has a beautiful 5 acre place for sale for around $175,000.00- that includes  several out buildings, a 2 story farm house, a commercial asparagus patch, and peace and quiet.  I’m so glad  Iowa is often times stereotyped as backwards, flat and boring.  I”ll let you in on a little secret…it’s a myth the locals like to perpetuate.  If you’d like to know what it’s really like around here this

   Well, it’s way past my bed time, so I’m going to wrap this up. As always, thanks for reading my stuff- g-nite- DM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Crazy Things: My Kitchen Table

This post is going to be super fun since I’m doing it with some of the coolest people I know like Melanie Chitwood and Hillary Dunham plus several other members of my Speaker Evaluation group from She Speaks!

So we are talking about some crazy thing in our lives, house, car etc…

The craziest most chaotic part of my entire house is my kitchen table. You never know what you might find on the table… so today I took a look at it after walking in the door from work and here is what I found…

- Hermeneutics Book- just some fun reading for seminary

- 2 sweatshirts both Elevation Gear

- A pile of receipts from my purse that I cleaned out and never threw away

- Some candles

- My cat

- A dog toy

- wrapping paper… I don’t really remember why that landed there instead of being put in the closet 2 feet away

- Tickets to the theater… from 2 weeks ago

And last but not least not 1 but 3 Bibles…

Ok so I really do never know what objects I might find on my table but it still seems to be the catch all when I walk in the house… So there are just a few random items you might find on my kitchen table… the kitchen sink may even end up there if I’m not careful

What are the crazy things you have in your life? Or what are the quirky things you do?
I want to know…

He loves you not.

Pullin’ petals off a flower, tryin’ to get your way
Keep pullin’ till it says what you wanna say
Girl you could pick a field full of daisies
But he’d still be my baby

I know you can hardly wait till I’m away from him
Instinctively, I know what you’re thinkin’
You’ll be givin’ him an open invitation
But my baby won’t be taking it

You’re the kind of girl whose not used to hearin’ no
All your lovers try to take you where you wanna go
Doesn’t matter how hard you try
You’re never gonna get with my guy

No chains to unlock, so free to do what he wants
He’s into what he’s got (and that’s me)
He loves me, he loves you not
No matter what you do
He’s never gonna be with you
He’s into all he’s got
He loves me, he loves you not

R A N D O M: Part III

I was just wondering in the morning today. The genie in the bottle must be really cramped for space. Is it not? The way we are cramped for space here in Mumbai? But they (The genies) are shown to have enjoyed a really good living in there. They seem to have a lavish living room and such good homes. Alright wait! I guess I know the secret. If you reduce yourself to a miniature size, you might do wonders with the available space you got. So why not I reduce myself to one fourth the size of what I am. Then I can transform my apartment into a duplex, or even better- a palatial bungalow!

Oh well! I think its either the Liril 2000 or the shower cabinet in my bathroom. Either of them is having a damaging effect on my brain. After all reducing myself will not reduce the size of the world. Is it? Ha ha, this looks like a joke straight from the ‘Khichadi’ or ‘Sarabhai’ serials.

Coming back to the space problem in Mumbai. There is a home available for every one here. Yet every one feels cramped. Although every one wants to stay as close to the root hub, not all can afford it. So why not actually have a rule to construct affordable housing in almost every area? For every 10 premium buildings, we should have one low cost housing colony. It should constitute high rise towers and be designed in such a way that maximum space is utilised for living.

I guess some thing is wrong with the Garnier shampoo as well. What the hell am I talking? Do we really have so much space in Mumbai left to be constructed? And what about the traffic problem? Okay let me suggest. I say levy an additional tax for driving cars during peak hours on busy roads. At the same time, fine people who do not use car pool despite being possible. Encourage use of buses and trains.

Gosh! Even the Gillette shave gel is troublesome.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sanctity of Marriage

…i’ve got your “sanctity of marriage” right here…

A bit of a back story:

i’ve always felt very strongly about equal human rights, not just gay rights. whether its a racial injustice, or an injustice that has happened to the gay community, i have a strong conviction that all human beings should have the same equal rights.

for this project, i wanted to project the same “slap in the face” feeling i get with the injustice of the passing of Prop 8 in California.

Funny side story – at the end of this shoot, we had one final setting to shoot at a playground. while walking there (and throughout the day), we had people stare and laugh which was definitely anticipated. What wasn’t anticipated was the “sandbox man”. we were at the playground minding our business and shooting as we have been, when a man came up to us and gave us the stare down. no, seriously – he gave us a stare down trying to intimidate us.

the first thing that came out of this ignorant’s mouth was:

- “what kind of impression are you trying to set here?!”
- “we’re not trying to set any example. are we offending you?”
- (raising his voice at this point) “i want to know why this is happening!” <– i suppose the world is ending at this point because there is a man in a dress. apparently, we hadn’t a clue.
- “it’s an art project, sir.”
- “is this for school?!” <– 3 letter words are obviously too big for him to comprehend; a.r.t. / g.a.y.
- “uh…sure…yeah, its for school.”
- (his eyes are about to pop out of his head at this point): “this is what your ‘college education is’?!”
- (calmly, i say): “sir, what about this makes you uncomfortable?”
- “oh, now you’re a journalist?!” (i think he just took a shit in his pants at this point)
- (internally laughing) “um, sir? i’m trying to have an open dialog with you. if i don’t understand something, i’m going to ask questions so i can try to see where you’re coming from.”
- (now i’m ON FIRE): “sir. do YOU have a college education?!”
- “no.” (i have to at least admire the man’s honesty).
- “evidentially not, sir.”
- (as we’re walking away): “I’M ALL GROWED UP!” <– yes, “growed up”.
- “obviously not, sir.” <– i couldn’t give him the courtesy and decency of turning around.

I didn’t know that adults still had staring contests and threw hissy fits. if that is the case, i’m glad i’m a somewhat immature, college educated, communicative individual…although, i kind of suck at staring contests.

needless to say, this made the shoot worth while. i refuse to lay down & lay dead because i may make someone uncomfortable ESPECIALLY when what we’re doing is not harmful or detrimental to anyone else’s well-being and health.

maybe brent’s right, maybe “sandbox man” just needed his helmet and an ice cream.

anyhow, over 300 shots were taken for this project. once i’ve finished editing them, i’ll post more.

fun times.

Wordstock 2009, Part 1

The popular food scene in Portland, Ore., inspired Wordstock 2009, the city’s book and literacy festival that took place this past weekend. How, you may ask, does food relate to reading? Well, to start with, the official logo of the festival is a red wingback chair with a reading lamp to the side. The wingback chair was still there this year, but sometimes an upright knife substituted for the lamp. The first cousins to the wingback chair are the souvenir red buttons imprinted with witty sayings relating to the festival theme. These are always popular items and I picked up a number of them. I take absolutely no credit for these phrases; full credit goes to Wordstock and to the clever minds that created these gems. Enjoy.

“be a literary omnivore”     “books are a square meal”     “books are my bedtime snack”     “book club sandwich”–it took me a minute to get that one     “eat your words”     “read three times a day”     “skim milk not text”     “well read, well fed”     “you are what you read”     and my personal favorite–”words are delicious”

Now wasn’t that a feast for your reading eyes? Hey, that was pretty good and that was all me!

Things I love...

The sound of late night chatter.

My morning coffee and cigarette.

Sparrows playing around my table waiting for a crumb or two.

The smells of childhood (Play-Doh, Strawberry Shortcake Doll, LipSmakers, Coppertone Sunscreen etc.).

The crisp feeling of Winter.

The peacefulness of my friends when they are just content being.

A good book while cuddling.

Seeing a line that I don’t have to wait in.

The smell and act of doing laundry.

Taking pictures of random things filled with meaning and calmness.

Looking at the things that surround me.

The statue in the Sculpture Garden that moves with the wind.

Breaking little rules.

Silent films.

Reading biographies and feeling as though I actually lived through the ‘50s.

The feeling of content and clarity and forgetting about worry and guilt.

The numbers 82 and soixante-deux.

Talking in a British accent when no one is around.

Going to museums and galleries when I can just stop and appreciate something I could never make myself.

Grocery shopping at two in the morning.

The memory of uncomplicated childhood puppy love.

Talking about the things that you’re not supposed to talk about.

Driving around LA in an attempt to get lost in order to discover new places.

Seeing a performance (music, dance, theatre, etc.) from the first row.

The feeling I had sitting in my box seat watching Peter and his band perform.

The feeling I had when I first saw him perform, watching his every move on the piano.

The birthday call I get every year from Lara.

Running into amazing public and pop culture figures when I’m just going to the movies.

Bizarre and unique names.

Witnessing peoples reactions to films, especially scary movies when someone really doesn’t like them.

The reaction I get when people find out what types of movies I was raised on and what was banned in my house while growing up.

People with seemingly random thought processes.

Observing how people walk across the street.

Decoding a person’s personality based on their ringtone of choice.

When my “Nor Cal” friends get bashful after slipping in a “hella” to the conversation.

Pictures that incite fun memories.

Knowing when to stop and buckle down…which I’m going to do right now.

Eavesdropping on the conversations of people I will never meet.

Watching the smoke at night.

A rainy day when I have a million things to do.

When my friends imitate the passing sounds.

The response from Lauren when I ask, “What sounds do penguins make?”

Un-political politics.

When people learn the rules, play by the rules, respect the rules, and then earn the right to break the rules.

The rustling sounds of the shouting paparazzi.

Spur of the moment trips to Jimi’s.

The moments and feelings that are impossible to describe.

The cute little indie boy that’s riding his bike past me right now and in circles.

Chatting with security guards.

People that respect my personal bubble and certain people that don’t.

People that are strong enough to invade my personal space.

Seeing people document their lives, friends, and memories on film (camera, not necessarily video).

The fact that I can’t spell correctly without spell-checker.

Being know as the “mother” of the group.

Guys who know how to act around animals and kids.

How words rub off on people.

Organized chaos.

When my room is legitimately messy.

Being sober to my OCD.

The fact that I can’t type the word “fridge.” It always comes out “ridge.”

Jack Johnson’s brilliant observation that “silent films are full of sounds.”

Doing things for the sake of doing them when there’s no pressure to do so.

The positive outcomes of anxiety and fear.

Thinking about a wonderful future.

Moments like this.

When the pressures of the world disappear.

Making people laugh when it’s not expected.

Saying what’s on my mind (not usually an opinion but rather a random thought…much like Pop-Up Video).

The concept behind Pop-Up Video.

The fact that I believe every moment, every second happens for a reason.

The confusing nature of me.

My bi-polar-ness of Stepford Wife-dom and incite-ful rebel.

Making up words that will never make it into the Oxford English Dictionary.

Selective hearing.

Practicing my skills as an unskilled member of the paparazzi.

Surprising people.

Spelling words the British way.

The feeling after finishing a paper and the sound of the printer at four in the morning—any other time is just not as magical.

The feeling of being in the safe-ness of my comfort zone after having ventured out of it for a while.

The bottomless pit that is my purse.

The innocent-ness in the way I can’t light a cigarette the first time.

The opening line in the film “Breathless.”

Listening to people talk in other languages or with accents.

John when he picks up other people’s accents without realizing it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

are the dead still alive?

Can the dead visit you in your dreams?

I can’t shake this dream I had a couple nights ago about my grandmother. I was in this house [which is/was her house, now handed over to my dad after she passed, almost a year ago] and I walked into the kitchen to see my grandmother standing at the sink. Her back was turned to me, but she heard me come in and turned around, ‘looking’ at me. I say ‘looking’ because in the dream, she appeared blind. Her eyes had a milky haze and couldn’t focus on what she was trying to look at. [She had good vision, however, right before she died, her eyesight faded away.] It was a bit eerie, and I remember thinking, “oh please, don’t have those eyes.” In the dream, I was aware of a previous dream I had where her eyes were an indication of her about to attack me. Anyway, she smiled, and was happy I was there. Once I got past the initial scared feeling, I was happy to see her there too. It had been awhile since the last time we saw each other [I will explain this later].

She followed me as I left the kitchen, and I ended up running into some strange, random people in the house. They just kept appearing. My grandmother seemed to know them. I knew they weren’t alive, though — there was something a little bit off about each of them (a tic, a limp, etc). They roamed the house without (apparent) purpose, and kind of followed my grandmother around. Then my father came downstairs from the attic, saw all the people, and seemed surprised. I found him and told him, “Grandma’s here!” He didn’t believe me, as he never did before because he couldn’t see her [I will explain this later]. Only this time… she walked into the room, and he saw her. He had the same scared reaction as me, but hugged her and they were happy to see each other. A few minutes later, he pulled me aside and told me I shouldn’t have “invited everyone here” because all the “spirits will make the house harder to sell.” I tried to explain that I did not invite them, they just appeared… then I woke up.

I explained this dream to a co-worker this morning whilst eating our breakfast.

I also told her about how [this is where I explain from earlier] it’s not the first time my grandmother has been in my dreams. Sometimes I see her two nights in a row, and sometimes I go weeks or months before another appearance. And in each of these appearances, we are happy to see each other. Also, in almost all these appearances, we are in the presence of my family: sitting around, eating at the dinner table, out, wherever. Each time my grandmother is with us, my family seems unable to see her — I am the only one who can see her. I recall one time when I dreamed we were eating dinner as a family, talking. My parents were asking questions aloud about my grandma and I said to them, “But, she’s sitting right there” and gestured to a chair. Their reaction? “What are you talking about? No one’s there.”

My co-worker immediately said, “She doesn’t want you to sell the house.” According to my co-worker, the dead can visit you in your dreams, and since I’m the only person that appears to ’see’ my grandmother in my dreams, she is coming to me and letting me know she doesn’t want the house to be sold. The fact that my dad finally saw my grandmother this time and also mentioned the house being for sale means my grandmother is pressing me to understand why she is appearing. I spent all day thinking about this possibility. I also live across the street from a cemetery, which is where I think some of those extra ‘people’ came from.

I’m leaning towards believing that she is visiting me, but I’m not sure about the message…

Uncut's Top 20 Albums of the 00's

Yeah, I know, really original Uncut. Another list of ‘Top albums of the 00’s! I think we’ll get a lot more lists as 2010 is about to start. Though, I think October is still quite early!
And ofcourse Uncut’s version isn’t just 20 albums. If you actually track down the magazine, you’ll find out that they made a list of 150 tracks. So another nice try. Ofcourse, it’s different from Pitchfork’s version(it would be boring if they were all the same). So here it is:

01. The White Stripes – White Blood Cells
02. Bob Dylan – ‘Love and Theft’
03. Wilco – A Ghost is Born
04. Brian Wilson – Smile
05. The Strokes – Is This It
06. Robert Plant and Alison Krauss – Raising Sand
07. Arcade Fire – Funeral
08. Bob Dylan – Modern Times
09. Ryan Adams – Heartbreaker
10. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes
11. The Flaming Lips – Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
12. Portishead – Third
13. Gillian Welch – Time (The Revelator)
14. Primal Scream – XTRMNTR
15. Radiohead – In Rainbows
16. LCD Soundsystem – Sound of Silver
17. The White Stripes – Elephant
18. Kate Bush – Aerial
19. Bruce Springsteen – The Rising
20. Amy Winehouse – Back to Black

Again, my list will look really different. There are some matches (for example The Strokes)! And I guess Uncut just really likes the White Stripes (but not as much as Dylan).


Sov som en jäkla sten inatt. Hårt och drömlöst. Faktiskt så sov jag djupare än jag brukar, larmet på mobilen gick ett bra tag innan jag vaknade. Och nu parar vi alltså om “Du är en ful och elak hund” med KalleNinja. Går det att inte vakna av den? Jag sover dessutom alltid brevid telefonen, oftast ligger den brevid mitt huvud. Cancerrisk, jaja, men jag vaknar ju iallafall. Det första jag kände när jag vaknade var att jag vill spy. Gick ner för trappen yr som satan och drack en massa vatten. Sen sa mamma åt mig att sova igen, vilket jag gjorde i typ två timmar, innan jag vaknade av en massa förvirrade och jobbiga drömmar. Hade dessutom dregglat som fan, skitäckligt.
   Har druckit smoothie nu, och det känns lite bättre, men jag är sjukt trött. Fattar inte vad det är för fel på mig, mår jätteilla nästan varje natt och jag spyr rätt ofta också. Något fel är det… Nej, jag är inte gravid.

Idag ska jag iallfall plugga lite, städa lite på rummet och pyssla ihop ett diadem. Eller, ja, jag har ju diademet, ska pimpa det lite. Förhoppningsvis blir det ett lyckat resultat och isåfall ska jag knåpa ihop några att ge bort i julklapp.
   Vad önskar ni er i julklapp förresten? Vill faktiskt börja fixa med det redan nu, det blir alltid så stressigt annars.
   Nu ska jag dricka te och gå upp och spela the Sims 3.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I wanted two share these two things

I found these two wonders of the Internet while browsing Flickr and Youtube. Enjoy, my fellow readers! (I’m aware that they are kinda dumb, just bear with me!)

The asians got owned!

And the most awesome dog in the world:

Stress relief, lulz.

*Picture taken from sabekuji kaneda’s Flickr photostream*

*Video taken from gunnerforgood’s Youtube account*

What Happened?

What happened?
Why are we bitter, why are we sour?
What happened?


When did the world become so consumed by hate?
When did people stop caring?
When did you start only looking out for # 1?


I ask myself these questions just about every day…


I find that I’m more observant of the situations around me, and it shocks me that I’m usually not happy with what I see and hear.


When I’m waiting at a stop light and I don’t slam it when the light turns… HONK! Why?


People don’t hold the door for you anymore
If YOU don’t hold the door for someone, you get the evil snicker…why?


People are in such a hurry that they get on the elevator and immediately press the door close button, just so they don’t have to wait for the poor gal walking in slowly behind them…why?


When did opinions become fact?
The definition of ‘opinion’: “personal view ~ the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment” 
Why do friendly debates over one’s opinion turn so vicious that it becomes a reason to ostracize someone?


The term “people watching” has taken on a whole meaning.


People look for reasons to bitch, gripe, and moan… for no good reasons other than to hear themselves. Or so it seems.


It seems our freedom of speech is/has been challenged. One’s thoughts, pure and simple, should never be censored, regardless of whether or not you agree. Unless the thoughts are hate inspired or speak of malicious intent, you should never disallow someone from sharing their views. If we stopped allowing our creative thinkers to speak for themselves, where do you think we would be in 5 years? 10? 20? Think about it. This world was not founded on only 1 persons’ thoughts and/or ideas.


People are too quick to call each other names
People are too slow to say “Thank you”.
You should never have to be reminded to say “please”.
People are their own worst enemy


When did it become OK to disrespect someone for no good reason?
There is never a good reason.


We are our own battleground


Self-confidence is not the definition of cocky
Cocky is not the definition of self-confidence


When did people become afraid to speak up for themselves?
Speaking up is a way to be heard
Not being heard is a way to shut you out
No one should be shut out


Whether you are religious are not, what happened to honoring these sacred values:

The last 5 of the 10 Commandments:

6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie
10. Do not covet

Did we ever, really? Think about it.


When did we become so absorbed by hate?
When did we become so spiteful to others?
This world owes us nothing and everything at the same
Don’t abuse it


Tragedy strikes somewhere all the time
Why does it take a tragedy to bring our fellow neighbors together?
Want for not what you need but for what is good and decent
Why should it have to be reminded what is good and decent?


Do unto others?
Treat others as you would want to be treated?
Are these not values we live by anymore?
Think about it


Why do people constantly want to be better than someone else?
We are not better, nor should we be…just different.
We better ourselves for us, not others


People need to slow down
People need to breathe
People need to stop and think about what they are saying
People should relax
People should be themselves without worry
People should smile more
People should frown less


No worries
No regrets
There are no challenges you can’t overcome
It’s a short life, live it well


Think about it.


P.S. I am not writing this about anyone or anything in particular. This was written to give everyone a swift kick-in-the-ass. I felt the need to write something thought provoking – something that might enable you to ask yourself, “What happened?” Think about what you can do to change the world around you, for the better. I am not a self-help guru, nor am I capable of ‘changing the world’. I simply think all of us can do better.

A Few Thoughts on the First Month

So September has turned over rather quickly and already we’re into October. I find this quite amazing, I’ve survived a month of school.

Let’s take count of what I’ve done so far.

  • Moved into my 4th home in one year.
  • Started six new classes
  • 4 Electrical Engineering Assignments
  • 3 Linear Algebra Assignments
  • 4 Music Theory Assignments
  • 1 Listening to Music Assignment
  • 5 Jazz Band Rehearsals
  • 15 Hours of Work
  • 25+ boxes of Peak Freans
  • 5+ Solid Hours of Rock Band Played

So as you can see I’ve been a little busy. School is hectic and work sometimes makes that nicer, and sometimes not. Like today. Work tonight was really lame. Some world renown singer came in and made noises that I’ve heard my girlfriend make randomly. And apparently she gets paid to do this. I would compare it to listening to a Pentacostal worshipper speak in tongues. Weird stuff.

The last two things on that list relate to my roommates. I have moved in with three guys that I knew from last year and I think that has made a huge difference. Knowing each other, we can joke around and be a little more confrontational if we need to be. It makes living together a lot funner and easier. We all share meals, and D, who has become a good friend of mine, cooks most (if not all) of our meals. And we eat together. We divide up the food and the bill on a whiteboard and everything is generally hunky-dory. Three of us have a Peak Frean obsession (the cookies with the cream and the fruit jelly in the middle) and we can go through about 5 boxes a week. It’s a fun, slightly ridiculous thing we all have. And then there’s our rockband. My one (rather wealthy/frivolous) roommate went out and bought Rockband for the PS3 within the first week of living here. We all created outrageous characters and then a band. And it works out perfectly as we all have an instrument in which we enjoy. K, isn’t comfortable enough to play hard guitar, but medium is too easy, so he plays bass, I naturally play drums, D sings gloriously (seriously, the dude sounds like an angel sometimes) and B plays guitar. So we fit. They want to dress us as our band for halloween, but I’m not too keen. My character will be quite hard for me to reproduce on a budget. I’m thinking of just going as Elvis Costello/Buddy Holly.

Halloween Costume - Elvis Costello?

Halloween Costume - Buddy Holly?

We had a party last week which was eventful to say the least. We had some friends over and watched the Flames beat the Oilers, and then K’s girlfriend wanted to watch Animal House. The rest of the party goers didn’t think this idea was too hot, but she was fairly addament about watching this movie. I find this is kind of ridiculous, and this applies to anyone who throws a party at someone else’s house. If you are throwing a party, make that clear, don’t leave it to the house owner to throw it, you should be there. You should be there before to clean up, prepare and help out, not arriving at the specified time. This way, you can make your plan clear, and organize any alternatives if need be. So already that was not going well. Then she added alcohol to the mix and things did not turn out in her favour, which looked even worse on her part. She did get to watch her movie, albeit on a laptop in the kitchen. After the game, some friends from my old old (original) rez and I went back to see the new renovations that had occured over the summer. And the place is so nice, it sucks to be the last one in a place that gets changed after you leave. It’s happened a lot to me…

Anyways, I get back home, and my friends take off, and then, the real fun starts. 7 RANDOM people, walk into our house, and start snooping around and eating our stuff. By this time, K is dealing with his girlfriend, and B went off with his, so D and I are left to defend our kingdom on our own. We eventually get them settled into the living room, and it is clear that these folk are drunk, high, crunk, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. They were gone. So that was fun to handle. I did my best to just be chill and accept them and try to get them to leave on their own terms, but D wanted them out ASAP, but was far too kind to just kick them out. Eventually we did get them to leave, and immediately locked the door.

So Saturday was an interesting night to say the least.

My reviews have been peppering the Martlet in the last few weeks, and I got an email from the new arts editor this week about meeting him about doing some more stuff. So maybe I’ll be able to do show reviews and band interviews and stuff! Budding new music journalist here! Watch out!

In other news, I am staying here for Thanksgiving. My girlfriend and I are going to a potluck which should be nice. (No dishes! Woo!) Also, my jeans should be here soon! So very excited for those! Thank you again if you read this!!

I’m trying to think of what else to write about. Jazz band is frustrating as always, still no respect from the percussionists. Still can’t practice. Haven’t got anything to play. So it’s pretty lame. I had to put the vibraphone in a recording room last week because no percussionists were there to let me in. Apparently the percussion instructor guy wasn’t too happy. But I really had no other choice unless he wanted someone to steal them. But whatever.

The VJ results get posted in 6 days if you are keeping track! So stay tuned for that. Also, more videos to come in the Em Vs. Jay challenge! Me thinks I’m winning. I might also do a post soon of what I’ve been listening to lately!

What has your September been like? Done anything thrilling? Tell me!

I think that’s about all! Have a good night, morning, day, wherever you are.

Later days,

- J

Monday, October 5, 2009


exploding hearts go up in

we had

desperate hands
desperate necks
desperate lungs
desperate breath

we fuck


“The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain, to show them that we love them, not when we feel like it, but when they do” Nan Fairbrother.

Not a bad movie. Caught it with B, Sandra and Lina today. Plot was fine, quite expected, but their talents are soooo awesome. Envy. Aw wells quite lazy to blog now. Want to enjoy Sims3 tonight! Sis is not home! =)

Oh and I need a pat on the back! I totally didnt get lost in woodlands today! Phew! Sucks to be a road idiot!

Where's my break?!

Break’s over T_T Back to school tomorrow, my longest day of the week too! 11am-6pm! arghhhhhh

Anyway, before hell tomorrow, one good thing happened today, I finally got to watch Family Outing with Seungri and Hyun Joong in it!! I have nothing against Hyun Joong, (loved him in WGM) but of course the one I’m watching for is Seungri!

Big Bang’s baby:)

Being Piggy-backed around
Imitating TOP XD

Watch family outing on youtube! Hee hee I got greedy here and downloaded it instead!

credits: ramyunsoup@yt

I love ramensoupsubs! They are freaking efficient!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kings Of Leon/Only...By...The...Night

Kings Of Leon are an American Rock band formed in 1999. Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, the band is formed by three brothers and one cousin. The band has struggled in the US market, gaining huge acclaim in the UK before finally hitting big in the US in 2008/09. A Grammy Award winning act, the band is currently at work on a live DVD and remix release.

Closer —-Beginning with blips and beeps and then a strong drum intro, the song is clouded in atmosphere and mood. The vocal is exquisite!!! The phrasing and the emotion is devastating!!! The song literally bleeds atmosphere and darkness. The layers of sounds just seem to build upon each other and the song ends up being a huge sounding doom oriented extravaganza. Brilliant!!!

Crawl—-Electric with a touch of sonic, this incredible song kicks off with attitude and swagger. The guitars are full of brilliant feedback and fuzz. The vocal is so exquisite…the phrashing is masterful…you feel dirty and elated at the same time. This is masterful, brilliant, incredible. One of the best songs to hit the airwaves in years.

Sex On Fire—-A huge single for the band all over the world, the sound is almost 80’s inspired from the onset. The way this vocalist delivers his lines is unforgettable. The delivery is magnificent. The chorus is so damn catchy you will have it in your head for days and days!!!. The song never quite delivers the large feeling I want from it, but none the less….this is fantastic!!!

Use Somebody—-Incredibly successful for the band, the song hit new heights in the US for the band and officially introduced them to the masses. The song features all of the great things about the band…the gentle, slowly emerging guitars, the crashing cymbals of the drums, the dry and emotive phrasing of the vocals. A masterpiece without even trying makes it all the better.

Manhattan—-The song has a gentle sound, but the song sounds to me incredibly like Pearl Jam….the whole mood of the guitar and vocal delivery fir right in the pattern. The guitars do have at times a nice Smith-ish sound that really appeals to me. The drums are masterful….never too loud but always present. This is great!

Revelry—-Giving his best Springsteenimpression from the very onset, the song is filled with that New Jersey sound. The band is masterful….even if just for their ability to hold back when they really want to rock out. The song is masterful….the construction and delivery borders on Alt-Country at it’s finest….I love this!!!!

I7—-Dirty, sexy and with a nice touch of blues….what more could you ask for. The delivery of the song is interesting as the rest of the band contributes an almost constant chorus of ohhhhh’s…and the vocal is full of intermittent blues stylings and sexy undercurrents. This is fantastic!!!

Notion—-I would not be surprised, even at this late date to see this song appear on airwaves and various video channels. This is classic features the slight guitar fuzz, the rhythmic drums and the incredible sexy vocals. This is all you could ask for, with a nice blend of guitar distortion thrown in. Wonderful!

I Want You—-With an incredible bass line from the onset, the song again delves into that slight blues feel of some earlier tracks. The vocal is delivered with enough waa waa that the feel is accomplished with very little effort. The whole make up of the song just drips with sexiness and the sultry feel of black lit clubs with back rooms…this is freakin’ magnificent…there is little out there as good as this.

Be Somebody—-Driven by a great bass drum and the heavy sound of he bass guitar, the song again just drips with a sultry feel. The voice is very seductive…and without even trying….that kust makes it even more attractive. The song hs a nice empowered feel, but the feel of the track speaks a different world than the lyrics. So, I guess you get two for the price of one…this is not a bad thing!!!!

Cold Desert—-Wow!!! The sound of the song from the onset wants me to pull out a Cure release….then the vocal enters the fray and over rides that thought and makes you think of more jam oriented Blues Traveler. The song is a cornucopia of sound and mood. A great, magnificent way to round out an incredible release hat will remain one of my favorites for a long, long time.

****1/2 out of 5

sedih itu rasanya...

Hampir jam 11 dan sedang nangis depan TV.
Sangat tiba tiba, dugaan sementara disebabkan oleh pra menstruation syndrom. Mendadak dada rasanya sesak, berdebar, teringat potongan potongan memori seperti slide show didalam kepala ini.
Sedih karena belum bisa bahagiain mama.
Kangen sayang sayang 2 adikku.
“Kemanapun kamu pergi, kamu akan kembali ke aku lagi”. Terimakasih kamu slalu ada disampingku
Kangen papa waktu meluk dan bilang “ga apa apa, semuanya pasti baik baik aja”.
Kangen seneng seneng dan ketawa yang sebenernya sama saudara saudara sekeluarga besar.
Kadang saya merasa tuhan itu tidak terlalu adil terhadap umatnya. Banyak orang murka terhadap pandangan itu. Tapi tidak saya. Saya yakin perasaan itu salah, tapi saya perlu bukti… Dan saya akan buktikan itu.

Terimakasih Tuhan saya masih bisa menikmati hari ini, beri saya waktu esok hari untuk bisa lebih bersyukur terhadap kebesaranmu.


‘Randomocity’ is what you can expect from this blog (along with the bullet list at the bottom).
Random but calculated.

I have a non-traditional style in just about everything so don’t expect too many BORING paragraphs because I just don’t work that way.
I don’t talk that way.
This is just how I go about it.

I can write like a champ and create a beautifully worded essay with perfect punctuation and words you forgot existed in this language                   BUT                    I hate essays.
Hate is too strong… I just dislike writing like that in an expressive setting such as this. Ok.

I am putting together my dreams and this is the record and expression of where I am going with it.
Because I am not yet at the stage where I may expound to you my masterpiece of passion, I will give you what I DO have to give.
Just get ready because I will eventually reveal the big picture in all its glory.
Until then I will be posting freaking sweet blog posts pertaining to (but not limited to, lol):

-Wardrobe Management
-Personal Color Theory
-Image Consulting
-Practical Styling
-Beauty and Style tips
-Amazing art
-Awesome music
-Psychology topics pertaining to behavior of sensory input (like how people react to color, or music)
-Personal growth
-Positivity, Love, and Appreciation
-Whatever else I want, really.

The future is more beautiful than I could ever imagine now.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ray Ban

Nu stiu daca stiti, dar au una ador ochelarii Ray Ban. Cei originali sunt fooarte scumpi, dar am gasit azi la Carrefour, tot asa in genul celor Ray Ban cu doar 50 de lei. Prima data am vazut pentru copii mai mici, de varste 7-10 ani care erau si pe albastru, verde si alte culori, insa mai mari am gasit doar pe negru, alb si roz deschis deschis. Mi-am luat pe negru. Tanjeam, bineinteles, dupa ei de foarte mult timp. Anyway, va las aici niste poze ca sa aveti idee despre ce vorbiti (cu toate ca banuiesc ca stiti).

Vodafone Warriors and Warriors Against Bullying

It’s called W.A.B. and it’s an initiative of Vodafone Warriors in conjunction with the NZ Police Bluelight section.

The designers of the course had a great picture in their heads when they started to brainstorm the idea.  Somewhere along the line a turn around of 180 degrees aimed them away from the very goals they thought they had established.  Old habits came along and and we are so tempted to counter our initial statements, where we are aiming, with what appears to be a qualification of the statement and actually turns us around to aim in another completely different direction

Team Tactics

The handout card talks of Team Tactics.

  1. Kick off.  Keep an eye on the things going on around you. (That’s a great starter.)
  2. Tackle.  Don’t encourage or take part in bullying.  (The last words are take part in bullying.)
  3. Pass.  Pass information on to adults if you see or hear bullying going on (There it is again.  The last words are bullying going on)
  4. Try.  Try to include people in the things that you do.  (That’s nearly back on track)
  5. Score.  Succeed in making your school a safe and happy place to be. (This is a really good finale)

W.A.B.  Rules of Membership. 

The opposite side of the card states the rules of membership.  The first letter of each sentence spells out the word LEAGUE

Learn to respect each other and their property.  (This is a constructive start with the last part of the sentence .)

Everyone needs to share the responsibility to help stop bullying in our school.  (The statement ends with – bullying in our school)

Agree to talk with an adult if you see, hear or know anything about bullying. (There’s that word at the end again.)

Get together to talk with others, not behind their back.

Everyone has a right to feel safe in our school. (Here’s a great end statement – safe in our school.)


A few changes , beginning with the name for this programme, would turn this programme into an initiative that really makes a difference. 

Let’s begin playing with words now.  Warriors Are Brave.  Warriors Act Bravely. 

We can rewrite the future with the words we consciously choose.  Please share your ideas and make a difference.