Monday, October 26, 2009

Sweetiegirlz, perfecting the art of worrying...for nothing!

       What you’re seeing is a groggy, Little A just coming out of her anesthesia.  Everything went great, and besides the job of worrying about her, i had to make sure “snowflake” (her webkins) made it to her side, when she woke up.       


     despite her expression, minutes later, little A wakes up and gets a few ice chips and a popscicle down her


  She gets a dose of relief in her I.V. from the nurse.  From that point on, little A is really alert and normal and great.   not that she’s doing cartwheels but you know…. lot’s better.


     One of the things, she worried about is if the I.V.  would hurt going in, but they gave her a little gas first, so she didn’t feel anything.  little A said that her head felt like it was a baloon full of air.



Shortly, she was watching a Disney movie, eating a popscicle and making chit chat. 



i couldn’t have asked for a better experience with Same day surgery if i tried to think of one!  Everyone was wonderful, friendly, supportive, and on their j-0-b.    i essentially was in awe of the differences between tonsillectomy when i was a kid, and now, with ambulatory surgery.   i would like to thank the ambulatory surgery clinic staff at KU WEST in Kansas City.  You guys rock! 

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