Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What Happened?

What happened?

Why are we bitter, why are we sour?

What happened?


When did the world become so consumed by hate?

When did people stop caring?

When did you start only looking out for # 1?


I ask myself these questions just about every day…


I find that I’m more observant of the situations around me, and it shocks me that I’m usually not happy with what I see and hear.


When I’m waiting at a stop light and I don’t slam it when the light turns… HONK! Why?


People don’t hold the door for you anymore

If YOU don’t hold the door for someone, you get the evil snicker…why?


People are in such a hurry that they get on the elevator and immediately press the door close button, just so they don’t have to wait for the poor gal walking in slowly behind them…why?


When did opinions become fact?

The definition of ‘opinion’: “personal view ~ the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment” 

Why do friendly debates over one’s opinion turn so vicious that it becomes a reason to ostracize someone?


The term “people watching” has taken on a whole meaning.


People look for reasons to bitch, gripe, and moan… for no good reasons other than to hear themselves. Or so it seems.


It seems our freedom of speech is/has been challenged. One’s thoughts, pure and simple, should never be censored, regardless of whether or not you agree. Unless the thoughts are hate inspired or speak of malicious intent, you should never disallow someone from sharing their views. If we stopped allowing our creative thinkers to speak for themselves, where do you think we would be in 5 years? 10? 20? Think about it. This world was not founded on only 1 persons’ thoughts and/or ideas.


People are too quick to call each other names

People are too slow to say “Thank you”.

You should never have to be reminded to say “please”.

People are their own worst enemy


When did it become OK to disrespect someone for no good reason?

There is never a good reason.


We are our own battleground


Self-confidence is not the definition of cocky

Cocky is not the definition of self-confidence


When did people become afraid to speak up for themselves?

Speaking up is a way to be heard

Not being heard is a way to shut you out

No one should be shut out


Whether you are religious are not, what happened to honoring these sacred values:

The last 5 of the 10 Commandments:

6. Do not murder

7. Do not commit adultery

8. Do not steal

9. Do not lie

10. Do not covet

Did we ever, really? Think about it.


When did we become so absorbed by hate?

When did we become so spiteful to others?

This world owes us nothing and everything at the same

Don’t abuse it


Tragedy strikes somewhere all the time

Why does it take a tragedy to bring our fellow neighbors together?

Want for not what you need but for what is good and decent

Why should it have to be reminded what is good and decent?


Do unto others?

Treat others as you would want to be treated?

Are these not values we live by anymore?

Think about it


Why do people constantly want to be better than someone else?

We are not better, nor should we be…just different.

We better ourselves for us, not others


People need to slow down

People need to breathe

People need to stop and think about what they are saying

People should relax

People should be themselves without worry

People should smile more

People should frown less


No worries

No regrets

There are no challenges you can’t overcome

It’s a short life, live it well


Think about it.


P.S. I am not writing this about anyone or anything in particular. This was written to give everyone a swift kick-in-the-ass. I felt the need to write something thought provoking – something that might enable you to ask yourself, “What happened?” Think about what you can do to change the world around you, for the better. I am not a self-help guru, nor am I capable of ‘changing the world’. I simply think all of us can do better.

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