Friday, October 2, 2009


‘Randomocity’ is what you can expect from this blog (along with the bullet list at the bottom).

Random but calculated.

I have a non-traditional style in just about everything so don’t expect too many BORING paragraphs because I just don’t work that way.

I don’t talk that way.

This is just how I go about it.

I can write like a champ and create a beautifully worded essay with perfect punctuation and words you forgot existed in this language                   BUT                    I hate essays.

Hate is too strong… I just dislike writing like that in an expressive setting such as this. Ok.

I am putting together my dreams and this is the record and expression of where I am going with it.

Because I am not yet at the stage where I may expound to you my masterpiece of passion, I will give you what I DO have to give.

Just get ready because I will eventually reveal the big picture in all its glory.

Until then I will be posting freaking sweet blog posts pertaining to (but not limited to, lol):

-Wardrobe Management

-Personal Color Theory

-Image Consulting

-Practical Styling

-Beauty and Style tips

-Amazing art

-Awesome music

-Psychology topics pertaining to behavior of sensory input (like how people react to color, or music)

-Personal growth

-Positivity, Love, and Appreciation

-Whatever else I want, really.

The future is more beautiful than I could ever imagine now.

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