Monday, October 12, 2009

Wordstock 2009, Part 1

The popular food scene in Portland, Ore., inspired Wordstock 2009, the city’s book and literacy festival that took place this past weekend. How, you may ask, does food relate to reading? Well, to start with, the official logo of the festival is a red wingback chair with a reading lamp to the side. The wingback chair was still there this year, but sometimes an upright knife substituted for the lamp. The first cousins to the wingback chair are the souvenir red buttons imprinted with witty sayings relating to the festival theme. These are always popular items and I picked up a number of them. I take absolutely no credit for these phrases; full credit goes to Wordstock and to the clever minds that created these gems. Enjoy.

“be a literary omnivore”     “books are a square meal”     “books are my bedtime snack”     “book club sandwich”–it took me a minute to get that one     “eat your words”     “read three times a day”     “skim milk not text”     “well read, well fed”     “you are what you read”     and my personal favorite–”words are delicious”

Now wasn’t that a feast for your reading eyes? Hey, that was pretty good and that was all me!

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