Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Few Thoughts on the First Month

So September has turned over rather quickly and already we’re into October. I find this quite amazing, I’ve survived a month of school.

Let’s take count of what I’ve done so far.

  • Moved into my 4th home in one year.
  • Started six new classes
  • 4 Electrical Engineering Assignments
  • 3 Linear Algebra Assignments
  • 4 Music Theory Assignments
  • 1 Listening to Music Assignment
  • 5 Jazz Band Rehearsals
  • 15 Hours of Work
  • 25+ boxes of Peak Freans
  • 5+ Solid Hours of Rock Band Played

So as you can see I’ve been a little busy. School is hectic and work sometimes makes that nicer, and sometimes not. Like today. Work tonight was really lame. Some world renown singer came in and made noises that I’ve heard my girlfriend make randomly. And apparently she gets paid to do this. I would compare it to listening to a Pentacostal worshipper speak in tongues. Weird stuff.

The last two things on that list relate to my roommates. I have moved in with three guys that I knew from last year and I think that has made a huge difference. Knowing each other, we can joke around and be a little more confrontational if we need to be. It makes living together a lot funner and easier. We all share meals, and D, who has become a good friend of mine, cooks most (if not all) of our meals. And we eat together. We divide up the food and the bill on a whiteboard and everything is generally hunky-dory. Three of us have a Peak Frean obsession (the cookies with the cream and the fruit jelly in the middle) and we can go through about 5 boxes a week. It’s a fun, slightly ridiculous thing we all have. And then there’s our rockband. My one (rather wealthy/frivolous) roommate went out and bought Rockband for the PS3 within the first week of living here. We all created outrageous characters and then a band. And it works out perfectly as we all have an instrument in which we enjoy. K, isn’t comfortable enough to play hard guitar, but medium is too easy, so he plays bass, I naturally play drums, D sings gloriously (seriously, the dude sounds like an angel sometimes) and B plays guitar. So we fit. They want to dress us as our band for halloween, but I’m not too keen. My character will be quite hard for me to reproduce on a budget. I’m thinking of just going as Elvis Costello/Buddy Holly.

Halloween Costume - Elvis Costello?

Halloween Costume - Buddy Holly?

We had a party last week which was eventful to say the least. We had some friends over and watched the Flames beat the Oilers, and then K’s girlfriend wanted to watch Animal House. The rest of the party goers didn’t think this idea was too hot, but she was fairly addament about watching this movie. I find this is kind of ridiculous, and this applies to anyone who throws a party at someone else’s house. If you are throwing a party, make that clear, don’t leave it to the house owner to throw it, you should be there. You should be there before to clean up, prepare and help out, not arriving at the specified time. This way, you can make your plan clear, and organize any alternatives if need be. So already that was not going well. Then she added alcohol to the mix and things did not turn out in her favour, which looked even worse on her part. She did get to watch her movie, albeit on a laptop in the kitchen. After the game, some friends from my old old (original) rez and I went back to see the new renovations that had occured over the summer. And the place is so nice, it sucks to be the last one in a place that gets changed after you leave. It’s happened a lot to me…

Anyways, I get back home, and my friends take off, and then, the real fun starts. 7 RANDOM people, walk into our house, and start snooping around and eating our stuff. By this time, K is dealing with his girlfriend, and B went off with his, so D and I are left to defend our kingdom on our own. We eventually get them settled into the living room, and it is clear that these folk are drunk, high, crunk, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. They were gone. So that was fun to handle. I did my best to just be chill and accept them and try to get them to leave on their own terms, but D wanted them out ASAP, but was far too kind to just kick them out. Eventually we did get them to leave, and immediately locked the door.

So Saturday was an interesting night to say the least.

My reviews have been peppering the Martlet in the last few weeks, and I got an email from the new arts editor this week about meeting him about doing some more stuff. So maybe I’ll be able to do show reviews and band interviews and stuff! Budding new music journalist here! Watch out!

In other news, I am staying here for Thanksgiving. My girlfriend and I are going to a potluck which should be nice. (No dishes! Woo!) Also, my jeans should be here soon! So very excited for those! Thank you again if you read this!!

I’m trying to think of what else to write about. Jazz band is frustrating as always, still no respect from the percussionists. Still can’t practice. Haven’t got anything to play. So it’s pretty lame. I had to put the vibraphone in a recording room last week because no percussionists were there to let me in. Apparently the percussion instructor guy wasn’t too happy. But I really had no other choice unless he wanted someone to steal them. But whatever.

The VJ results get posted in 6 days if you are keeping track! So stay tuned for that. Also, more videos to come in the Em Vs. Jay challenge! Me thinks I’m winning. I might also do a post soon of what I’ve been listening to lately!

What has your September been like? Done anything thrilling? Tell me!

I think that’s about all! Have a good night, morning, day, wherever you are.

Later days,

- J

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