Friday, October 23, 2009

23 Random Facts on October 23rd

In lieu of a regular post, I bring you a totally random post. A list of 23 things (since it is the 23rd….creative, I know.)

1. I tried a pumpkin scone from Starbucks the other day. It changed my life. Okay, I might be being a LITTLE bit dramatic, but it was very, very good. I got one for David and then had a few bites of it. I love pumpkin stuff….I’m thinking I need to try a Pumpkin Spice Latte at some point this year. I’ve never had one, somehow. I have a tendency to get stuck in ruts when it comes to my Starbucks drinks.

2. I watched “The Stepfather” last night. I wanted to watch a scary movie and my boyfriend so sweetly took me. It was good….not too bloody and gross. We went to the Cinnebarre in Mountlake Terrace and we were literally the only ones in the theater.

3. Todo Mexico (on 1st Street in Snohomish) is my new favorite Mexican restaurant. For the past six months, David had been telling me how good it was. He finally took me, I think it was last week….I absolutely loved it! Excellent food….AND it’s right on the Snohomish River, so there’s a really pretty view.

4. I think I could easily become addicted to  I always have a book or a movie I want to get….and they have pretty much everything you could possibly think of. I have a wishlist on there, so feel free to purchase me something! I’m TOTALLY kidding. It’s mostly for me, so I can keep track of the different things I would like to own. There are a lot of old movies on there right now. That reminds me, I need to add the Wizard of Oz.

5. I currently hate all my clothes…well, MOST of my clothes. I rarely buy new clothes, and I’ve bought even less lately (being that I am unemployed and all….). I really need a few new things to give me more options and to update my wardrobe. I have a lot of good basics, I just need a few things to update it all a little bit. Maybe someday….

6. Shoes. I am in desperate need of SHOES. Now that it is raining all the time and cold out, I really don’t have very many shoes suitable for the weather. I need to change that soon, I think.

7. I have found lately that I love sandwiches. I think it all depends on the brand of bread.

8. I forgot how much I love “The Office”. I will start watching it regularly again. I also love watching it on dvd….a bunch of episodes in a row….what could be better?!

9. I want to go to a corn maze. It’s been a few years, since I’ve gone to one. There is a farm in Snohomish that has the “field of screams” at night. I SO want to go! That’s where I went a few years ago, and it was so much fun. Now if only there could be a night where it’s not raining….

10. I’m already excited for the holidays. I realize it isn’t even Halloween yet, but I am excited anyway.

11. I’m not super into Halloween. I hate dressing up, and usually don’t do anything special for Halloween. I like going to pumpkin farms and such, but that’s about the extent of my festivities.

12. I think it’s hilarious when everyone on Facebook gets all riled up about every single new feature or change. Do they realize that they do this every single time? They all freak out and then get used to it. Facebook isn’t going to stop coming up with new things….that’s how they stay relevant. Technology is always changing, they have to keep up. It’s just so silly. People don’t like the new “live feed”. I don’t know what the big deal is….all you have to do is click on “news feed”, and you can go back to the old one. PLUS, it’s not that different to begin with so, who cares!

13. I love reading blogs. It’s a bit of an addiction, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a bad addiction to have.

14. I hate it when people are racist….when people judge my boyfriend because of how he looks. The funny thing is, their assumptions couldn’t be more wrong. He’s extremely successful and probably has more money than the people who are judging him. People should learn not to judge by appearances. (Dr. Phil was about racism today.)

15. I am longing for a new digital camera. Mine wasn’t the nicest when it was new….now it’s a couple years old and not working so well. I love taking pictures, so it seems like I should have a halfway decent one (since I DO use it ALL the time). I would love a Sony or a Nikon, I think.

16. I would love to be a professional photographer.

17. I need a haircut. I don’t remember the last time I got one….I know it was over six months ago. Appalling, I know. I want to get it trimmed up and get some more layers in it.

18. I am tired of my blog layout, but there aren’t any options available that I like better.

19. I love getting back in touch with old friends (see my last entry).

20. I miss having a place of my own….where I don’t have to share a room with my sister, and where I can actually put my clothes away in a closet and/or dresser. That would be why I am hardly ever home other than to sleep.

21. I had a flashback to my high school days today. I saw the Backstreet Boys singing together on tv. They were singing “I Want it That Way”. I was never a huge fan, but it definitely took me back, because I certainly remember their songs.

22. I am still thinking about one of the purses I saw on Etsy.

23. My hormones have been all over the place this week. Because of this, I have felt out of sorts, been easily irritated, and I’ve felt ugly….hopefully I’m not the only one this happens to. Lol.

That was a lot harder than I thought it would be….apparently I’m not very interesting. Oh well, at least it’s friday!

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