Monday, October 19, 2009

What I Miss About Living in LA

For the past 6 days, Mother Nature has either A) decided to play a trick on the east coast; or B) is just being vindictive for our constant abuse of the environment. I not only turned on the heat in my apartment, I also pulled out my winter hats, scarves, gloves, coats, thermal underwear, boots AND sweatpants. Don’t forget the umbrella since it’s been raining like Noah’s gonna show up. I even made chili and cornbread yesterday (both homemade, by the way… nothing from a can or box here).

It’s mid-October. AUGH. What happened to Fall?

And the best part about this bad weather… a little boy who was sitting behind me at church yesterday kept coughing (the wet, nasty kind of cough) in my hair. I wanted to turn around and scream, “Hey… Typhoid Mary! Back off!” but he was only 5, so I just kept shooting the father dirty looks.

So cold, wet and now possibly sick. Again. Awesome.

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