Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Electronic Cigarette FTW?

For any smokers out there, you might find this of interest. I’ve been following these E-Cigarettes for quite some time, but I’ve never really gotten around to using them. Plus, I heard you find these in malls, and I don’t really frequent those anymore. These are supposedly the healthier alternative to smoking. I know it’s killing me, but damn, do I enjoy it. That being said, I can still enjoying the act of smoking, without turning my lungs into tar pits.

Either way, I’ve gone ahead and ordered my free trial via the Smoke-51 site. FYI – the set is free, and you pay shipping, which comes out to about $9.95. Not too bad considering I just dropped $10.50 in the city for Marlboro Lights.

As soon as these guys get shipped I’ll give it a go, and post my findings here.

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