Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Looks vs. Personality

Looks or Personality?

This type of choice is a problem in the lives of many people, especially those who are dating. The sad truth is, most of us have a bad habit of buying into stereotypes. When you see a beautiful woman, you begin to wonder how solid her personality is. contrariwise, when you see a woman who isn’t as attractive, you think she must have a good personality! Of course, some people are not like this, but it’s safe to say that the majority of people are.

So where does the line get drawn? There are countless people out there who are both attractive and have good personalities, however finding a personality that you like may be an entirely different challenge.

I, like many people, would like to say that looks don’t matter and that I would love someone solely for their wonderful personality and the person they are on the inside. I would be a liar, though. I don’t think I could be with someone I found unattractive, no matter how much I loved their personality. Without some level of attraction, there’s no relationship.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I could never be with anyone who was absolutely gorgeous but was a horrible person. Yes, I’d be attracted to him, lust after him, and never want to leave his side; the illusion of true love. When it boiled down to who he was, however, I would likely find myself hating how he acted or being turned off by his attitude.

In truth, the best person is usually a combination of good looks and a winning personality. I’ve been curious, though… if put into a situation where can speak to one of the two following girls/boys who would you choose;

Girl A; More attractive than girl B. She has signs of high maintenance such as manicured nails and designer shoes. Her makeup is flawless due to the fact she is fixing it in her compact right now. If you do speak to her, she doesn’t seem to have many of the same interests as you and doesn’t have that good of a sense of humor.

Boy A; He’s more attractive than boy B. He obviously spends time on his looks; well maintained hair, flattering/fitted clothing, obviously works out. He has a habit of checking his hair in anything that has a reflection; mirrors, glass, metal, etc… If you talk to him, he doesn’t have that much in common with you and comes off as shallow.

Girl B; She’s not bad looking, but she isn’t as attractive as girl A. She looks plain compared to girl A. Her hair and makeup are fine even though she doesn’t look like she spends as much time or money on her looks as girl A. Her clothing is average, not designer. If you do speak to her, she has a wonderful sense of humor and a lot of interests that you do.

Boy B; He’s not as attractive as boy A, looking like your average joe in comparison. His hair and face isn’t as well maintained as boy A but he isn’t ugly. It’s hard to tell if he works out. His clothing isn’t fitted or fashionable but more average. If you talk to him, he has a lot of common interests with you and has a wonderful sense of humor.

When it comes down to it… I’d like to say I’d choose the personality… but I guess I can’t say that unless I was there. Oh, and for the record, I’m not single. I have a wonderful boyfriend, I’m just saying all this hypothetically.

So I’d love to hear from you! Which would you choose?

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