Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Birthday Present!

Well, I’ve been having a kind of slow, crappy week… so I thought I’d post something that makes me happy – my birthday present! My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, while we were in Hawaii. So while in the amazing Ala Moana mall, which I mentioned over and over, we picked up my birthday present:

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Now, I realize a pen and journal is not everybody’s idea of an amazing birthday present, but it is my idea of one. I have had journals for as long as I can remember, and I am neurotic about pens. When I find a pen I like, I take it everywhere with me until it runs out of ink. Then I buy another one exactly like it, and carry that one around until it runs out of ink. I take it back and forth from work to home, and everywhere else. And I rarely lose anything (OCD, as I’ve mentioned before). The journal is also my favorite kind of journal – leather bound, hardcover, lined. They carry it at Crane & Co. I have also always wanted a Mont Blanc pen. My dad has always had them, and he had several different types when I was kid, and I was constantly trying to get him to give them to me…but he never would. Now I have my very own though, so I can stop trying to find ways to steal them from my dad every time I go home to Dallas. Just joking!! - sorta.

Also, I got a hand-written thank you note in the mail yesterday from the salesman who helped us at the Mont Blanc store. Gotta love that kind of service!

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