Friday, September 18, 2009

The straw that broke Jetsets back

I have recently decided to quit my God awful job. There are many factors that led to this including ritual humiliation, being screamed and sworn at, being called stupid and idiotic on a daily basis and being single handedly responsible for bringing the managing director to financial ruin. But the thing that pushed me over the edge happened this week.

Monday: while looking over my work (of the 2 jobs that I do silumtaniously) he pointed out that I had not nearly enough information for his liking and to sort myself out as this is a massive problem. Ok fair enough, so I wrote down every single useless pointless peices of info on those pages. Tuesday: While preusing my work again, it was brought to my attention that all the info I had so painstakingly hand written was in fact useless as I had not used a highlighter and there was no way for people to see the information. Right so I went to work with that highlighter, you could of seen that page from space it was so illuminous HA take that!. Wednesday: Alas all my highlighting skills where in vain as I had not used different colour highlighters on the page so how where people to know that there was different points. . OOh Eh I don’t know, FUCKING READING IT!!!!! This apparently is a major problem and resulting in a 15 screaming session in fromt of other staff members.

Seriously I can’t wait to leave, I’ m taking every bloody highlighter in that place when I walk out that door. They’ll be crippled. They’ll shut down in a week cause of it!!!! You just watch.

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